5 year old buck +
Took Mo's advice and marked my hoses with colored Zip Ties. Life is good now. :) Thanks for the tip Mo!

Should be easy from now on. Also rigged up scheme for loader configuration. Gonna save my pics to make hook ups go a bit faster. :)
Ground out another 100 or so stumps. (who's counting?) .....and decided to take my grinder off for now. I need to mow the cutter is now hanging off the back of my tractor.

Should be easy from now on. Also rigged up scheme for loader configuration. Gonna save my pics to make hook ups go a bit faster. :)
Ground out another 100 or so stumps. (who's counting?) .....and decided to take my grinder off for now. I need to mow the cutter is now hanging off the back of my tractor.
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