Dang redneck, thug kids....

Do like suggested, place a cheap cam in the open and another up high to catch whoever it is. Then press charges and prosecute to the full extent of the law. It worked for me on trespassers.
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Do like suggested, palce a cheap cam in the open and another up high to catch whoever it is. Then press charges and prosecute to the full extent of the law. I t worked for me on trespassers.
How'd u is them from the pics?
How'd u is them from the pics?
I had an idea of who it was and went around the hood asking who I could trust for an ID.
Sweet, what kind of camera did u use to get a good pic?
Sweet, what kind of camera did u use to get a good pic?
Covert black 60 it takes a 12 mp color pic.
I hid a cam and looks hidden pretty good.
I also took down a lot of serial # and took some pictures of shop tool inventory and ac unit and such just to b on safe side
Put a trail cams wanted ad in craigslist for ure area, but don't make it obvious u are the victim.
Also check it for ure cams. Pawn shops if u have one near.
It's still slim odds
Oh-this is 2015 secure your cams down!!!!
No joke.....2015....can't have nothing if it ain't locked down
I use cuddyback cameras with the steel bear cages on them on my WI land. I chain and padlock that cage to the tree, but a couple years ago I had someone cut the chain and steal the camera. I'm guessing that someone was trespassing and realized they got their picture taken on my trail camera, so they drove back with a bolt cutter after dark (they drove through a tree planting and standing bean field). After that, I'm not really sure whether locking the camera to a tree really does any good.
I just bought a primo's proof 03 and moultrie 880i gen2 both no glow cams and gonna get them set up this weekend.
Do you gave any old sheds you could out out as bait for those boys? Hang cameras up high. They'd never see them and you'd get their photos?
He'd be better off using some crappy booze as bait, the punks would go crazy for it!