Dad whacks one of my yotes this morning

Native Hunter

5 year old buck +
We mowed 60 acres of native grass yesterday and dad was in the blind at daylight. I got the vermin on camera just about a minute before he got the shot. He may be 80 but you don't want him pointing that Cooper 220 Swift in your direction.

You ever get that look he is giving in the picture? I told you so - or what are his eyes saying?
You ever get that look he is giving in the picture? I told you so - or what are his eyes saying?

I used to get that look when I was a stupid teenager and he had to straighten me out...LOL. But he's mellowed at little and I've been acting a lot different.:)
Congrats. Does he use a scope or iron? I know a lot of old timers who refuse to use a scope.
Congrats. Does he use a scope or iron? I know a lot of old timers who refuse to use a scope.

He uses scopes, because he likes to make the long shots across big fields. It's not uncommon for him to bust a coyote out to 400 yards. He is really into rifles and handloading his own ammo.

His favorite way of hunting them is to hunt the fields for the next few days after they have been mowed. My neighbor who joins me to the south mows twice a year and dad has an open invitation to hunt that field. He averages getting 6 or 8 yotes out of that one field ever year.
That is a look of a man who has done it before. just like scoring a touchdown, act like you have been there. That is a generation of true Americans.

He averages taking out 8-12 of them per year just in the general area around our farms. We are overrun with them....
HAHA, we call that the "I brought you into this world and I can take you out." look! He may not have brought those yotes into the world, but he is obviously very skilled at taking them out!
HAHA, we call that the "I brought you into this world and I can take you out." look! He may not have brought those yotes into the world, but he is obviously very skilled at taking them out!

LOL, he makes them live hard for sure!
They mowed the hay on the farm adjoining mine (cousin's place) yesterday. Just got off the phone with Dad, and he whacked another one this evening. Said it was a large female that would weigh 20 pounds more than the one above. He was dragging it out of the field when I called him. Said he should probably stay longer this evening, but was so tired after a 4 hour hunt he was going home to rest...LOL. My guess is he will be back at the crack of dawn in the morning.
Tell dad to keep up the good work.
Love this! Busting yotes at 400 sounds like a heck of a good time to me!
Thanks guys. This is Friday morning and he whacked another one a few minutes ago. This one was 200 yards and moving. He hadn't been down to it yet but said it was a big one. He's keeping on hunting for a while because it's still early.
I can't imagine how many fawns your father has saved over the years with his predator control! Your lucky to have the OL coyote killer!
I can't imagine how many fawns your father has saved over the years with his predator control! Your lucky to have the OL coyote killer!
Amen to that Jordan. And our does look like they are ready to pop so this comes at a good time.
I'm in another state shooting paper targets today and he is home whacking vermin. Son should be home helping but I don't think he needs much
That is classic! My grandfather was fond of the saying, "I may only have one @ss kicking left in me...dont let it be you!" From the sounds of it though your old man has plenty of @ss whippings to hand out...especially to those yotes!
That is classic! My grandfather was fond of the saying, "I may only have one @ss kicking left in me...dont let it be you!" From the sounds of it though your old man has plenty of @ss whippings to hand out...especially to those yotes!

Lol, that is hilarious. I've got to remember that one for sure.