Cultipacker - Finally!

a missing wheel or two, will come down to I think how rocky things are, and how much stress will be put on things when there is a larger gap allowing them to get stressed from being tilted like as they go over things
but many of these things lasted this long, there pretty durable IMO

after all they don;t need to be perfect to do what there supposed to do
having a little slop in things allows them to conform to the uneven ground
so, I would try it and see
if , more break, and then you will HAVE to take part and either replace with like size be them cultipacker wheels, or even other things( seen folks use hard rubber tires, home made replacements and ??)
and real worse case situation , you can always remove the second roller and use it for spare parts on the front one??
the real advantage of the second roller is they tend to counter roll what the first one did, and saves you from making extra passes to get the same smoothing roller finish in again, 1 pass! this also gets rid of more ruts and makes a more level smooth finish for things!
which can really help when mowing and not having high spots! that end up in LOWER mowed spots LOL

as when you roll in more passes , you PACK things a lot tighter from tractor tires, so, less passes doesn;t just save time, it makes a better seed bed being able to have a one pass deal!

in order to get the wheels tighter together even with missing ones, you should be able to maybe add a collar to things, lift unit, slide all to one side, and add a collar on the axle holding them together, ( a split collar can be added without removing the axle too!
a 1-1/2 inch gap from things when pushed together is about where I would have it or even a little bigger so they all roll freely
something like this maybe, but of correct size, maybe can even have a wider washer welded on to things to hold them from riding on a small area! i you follow!
if not commercially made, a machine shop can certainly make you something too!(more for a square shaft too!, they might be available too pre made haven't look to be honest! wl10=Walmart&wl12=930959651_10000008516&wl14=1-3/4 inch split square axle collar&veh=sem&msclkid=d3344f43507b106a669011f3a9723506

or like this design,40340.html
Funny, that first link is the exact collar I was looking at! The front roller has larger wheels so I can't use the rear wheels, but the front ones are in good shape. As I said, my first step is to see how it works as-is.


You should be able to find the split collars at Their shipping is FAST!
For an atv culipacker I have a packermaxx hd on its way to be put to work this fall for $650 delivered.
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For an at culipacker I have a packermaxx hd on its way to be put to work this fall for $650 delivered.

Outstanding. Report back and let us know how it works for you. They are kind of like a heavy duty lawn roller but shaped with Vs instead of being flat. I used a lawn roller for a few years until it cracked and would not hold water. I found it took a long time covering fields at 4' per pass but for small fields it should be fine.

I used my cultipacker for my min-till spring plant. I used a very light disc to min till my summer plots. They were much more green than brown when I was done. I broadcast my Buckwheat/Sunn Hemp/Milo combination and then ran the packer. I got good germination and growth. I'm pretty happy with it. The broken wheel and missing wheel did not cause any problems.


Very good points that are really challenging my thinking about transport wheels. I would probably need to replace the hanger arm with tubular steel. That might make it cost prohibitive. I'll have to do a lot more thinking about that part of the plan. As far as the packer wheels go, I realize there needs to be some side to side movement and they should not be tight, but do you think a missing wheel or two would be too much side to side movement?


You definitely don't want that much side to side movement. in my opinion it could result in broken wheels. In the couple l have set up, after all said and done I maybe have 1/2" to 1" of extra shift that's showing when all the wheels are pushed to one side. when you start pulling it the wheels end up with just a bit of gap between them. That has worked well for me.
Good luck.
You definitely don't want that much side to side movement. in my opinion it could result in broken wheels. In the couple l have set up, after all said and done I maybe have 1/2" to 1" of extra shift that's showing when all the wheels are pushed to one side. when you start pulling it the wheels end up with just a bit of gap between them. That has worked well for me.
Good luck.

I'd guess the amount of gap when slide to one side would depend on how wide the cultipacker is and the number of wheels. Thanks for the advise.
I have one just like that and there’s quite a bit of play in the wheels. I assumed it was designed that way for a reason but couldn’t say why. I have 2 broken pieces out of the wheels in the back but it works very well regardless. Takes quite a bit of tractor to pull it in softer soil.


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There needs to be some play so that you can make turns and the wheels spin independently. Mine had a missing wheel on the rear so the gap was much larger than it should have been. That is why I added the collar to my shaft. It seemed to work fine and I'm less concerned about additional wheel breakage or wallowing out this way. I measured the wheel width and accounted for that missing wheel. That gave me an estimate of how much play the manufacturer intended. I put the collar on to leave about that much play.


Lightning Strikes Again!

My retirement property is about a 15 minute drive from the Pine farm we manage for deer and turkey. I can trailer most of the 3pt implements with the tractor to plant small food plots a the new place. A tow-behind like a cultipacker presents a transport problem. I looked on craigslist weekly for several years before finding the cultipacker that initiated this thread. I just happened to look at craigslist the other day and found this:


It is in a little better shape than the first but it was an hours drive to pick up. The guy was asking a reasonable amount for it, so now I have one at the retirement home site as well as at the farm! I could find no markings on it, so I don't know what brand it is.


The guy I bought it from thinks it was a predecessor of the Brillion seeders. The side has a name on it. It starts with a V, Versalle or something like that. I'll check tomorrow and get the spelling correct.

Thanks for the leads. I've only seen 9 1/2" wheels at Agrisupply.
Call them.
It's been a couple years since I've been there. Then, it was an odd sort of arrangement. I get the impression there's a side business associated with this outfit. By that I mean there was an old guy there that had A LOT of old, old used farm equipment in the yard along side the promoted business. I was looking at a cultipacker he had. Too big for me. But, he had a lot of pieces and parts of old cultipackers - wheels, frames - enough pieces and parts to patch together a functional cultipacker if one had the ambition. No promises. It might be worth a call to see if they have anything that might help you. It's off Laburnum across the street from RIR.
Call them.
It's been a couple years since I've been there. Then, it was an odd sort of arrangement. I get the impression there's a side business associated with this outfit. By that I mean there was an old guy there that had A LOT of old, old used farm equipment in the yard along side the promoted business. I was looking at a cultipacker he had. Too big for me. But, he had a lot of pieces and parts of old cultipackers - wheels, frames - enough pieces and parts to patch together a functional cultipacker if one had the ambition. No promises. It might be worth a call to see if they have anything that might help you. It's off Laburnum across the street from RIR.

Thanks! It is always good ot have a local source for parts!
Lightning Strikes Again!

My retirement property is about a 15 minute drive from the Pine farm we manage for deer and turkey. I can trailer most of the 3pt implements with the tractor to plant small food plots a the new place. A tow-behind like a cultipacker presents a transport problem. I looked on craigslist weekly for several years before finding the cultipacker that initiated this thread. I just happened to look at craigslist the other day and found this:


It is in a little better shape than the first but it was an hours drive to pick up. The guy was asking a reasonable amount for it, so now I have one at the retirement home site as well as at the farm! I could find no markings on it, so I don't know what brand it is.


I have an old one like this, worked great, but now just found out the side is no longer attached, I need to get dirty and figure out what happened. Had some dirt work done this past fall and the guys moved it by chain. I think they pulled the shaft out of the end of it. Hate to get rid of it, dunno if worth repairing
Any thoughts? I am not equipped to repair it myself. You can see the starboard end “hole” where the shaft should be


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Any thoughts? I am not equipped to repair it myself. You can see the starboard end “hole” where the shaft should be
Looks like they just bent some of the shaft supports on the left side. Or busted a bolt and it's just twisted out. Definitely worth trying to loosen up some bolts and try to line things back up.
Depending on the price, those wheels are worth quite a bit by themselves.

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