cuddelink vs spypoint micro

I had to upgrade to the $10 month package. 2/3’s of my property has no cell service. I just use the camera on the ridge section of my property where there is some service. The cuddelink system would be a much better fit for my property because of lack of cell service
For the spypoint guys.... can you hear the lense filter activate? This is pretty loud on the cuddebacks. I haven’t noticed too much avoidance from it but I’m sure it happens. Even it’s only twice a day.
Yes, you can hear it click, its not as loud the Cuddelink but still significant. Making noise is the least of the Cuddelink problems, I'm glad I only bought two.
Overall I'm very happy with the Spypoint, although I am having trouble with one of the Spypoints micro that is less than 1 year old. We will see how Spypoint CS handles it.
BTW I have issues with avoidance and detection on many different brands of cameras. Anytime I put a camera on video mode and on a scrape I get several videos of Bucks spooking or staring at the camera. So much so that, I may avoid deploying trail cameras next year altogether during the hunting season.