Cuddeback's Cuddelink

Although the vinyl wrap only takes about an hour I’d still pay a few more bucks to have it already done when I buy them.
$10-$20 per camera?
I wouldn't knowing that I can spray paint/ camo them if needed. Adding a 5 to 10 percent up charge doesn't provide any value to me. Add in another couple year warranty for that 10% up charge now we are talking. With the large size I am not sure that camoing prevents or adds anything from my perspective outside of looks cool.

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Honestly nothing camo doesn’t mean anything we are on a working farm and the deer don’t mind riding past the on Atv or trucks etc they are used to it

Still waiting for them to finish the firmware for the usb connection and hope to make the batter last longer from the post I have been seeing
Still waiting for them to finish the firmware for the usb connection and hope to make the batter last longer from the post I have been seeing
this is still in development, we are looking at several options to develop what is easiest to use and be reliable, still a ways out yet- do not buy an existing home unit if this is your end goal for the system- the hope would be it can be done with an update but it possible it will need to be a different unit. Everyone on this thread will know all the info and a date as soon as i have it.
John, is cuddeback going to be releasing a cell cap for existing home units? Only reason I ask is I believe I noticed it as a previous option and now I can't seem to find anything about it. I have a home unit I purchased to be used as a repeater but I figured I'm better off running 2 different cell setups in this area and I would like to upgrade the unit to a cell cap.
John, is cuddeback going to be releasing a cell cap for existing home units? Only reason I ask is I believe I noticed it as a previous option and now I can't seem to find anything about it. I have a home unit I purchased to be used as a repeater but I figured I'm better off running 2 different cell setups in this area and I would like to upgrade the unit to a cell cap.
It would be less expensive for you to buy one of the new dual cell units than buy the cap for your existing home unit , and on top of that it would add another camera to your network. If you still want a cell cap you can call them direct and see if they have any left . Now that we released the dual cell at $199 retail there is no need for us to continue manufacturing the cell cap in the future .
Quicky install because it is near house. I did not spend much time on location or concealment. But shows use of vinyl camo in a 3D manner. Breaking up outline of box shape is critical. A camo box is still a box, and any box sticks out in the forest. Physical 3D texture (not just a picture of texture) helps a lot to conceal the box shape.

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Notice the perforated vinyl camo over the flash lens. Negligble impact on flash output. Both the solid and perforated vinyl is 3M genuine Realtree. A heatgun, razor blade, and scissors for install. Not shown is identical treatment to the OEM auxillairy battery box. The colors of the vinyl are not represented well in these (un-color corrected) images. In real life the colors blend better than shown here.

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Camo self-cling gauze for antenna, wires, and cable lock.

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This is the cable lock for top of metal box. Not shown is the padlock for the bottom of metal box. Padlock also gets a wrap of camo gauze.

For comparison here is a camera without the metal box, using no 3D effect. The camo installs in about the same amount of time. It does take twice the material however to do the 3D version. In practice the 3D camo cameras conceal substantially better than mere camo boxes do. The perforated camo over the flash lens is a big plus for concealment.

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I don't need one more thing in my life to fight. I have purposely waited to purchase, hoping the bugs get worked out. I don't want to be doing software updates every other month. I have cameras that have been running four or five years. Never done a software update on a camera in my life. Is this system to the point you can take the cameras out, put them up, get reasonable battery life on food plots in southern climate - and get trouble free performance?
Swampcat I feel the same way with where my hunting property is located I have over a 8 hour drive.

I can come up with many way of sending the images by email or txt messages once they have the software fixed to upload to the pc.
I don't need one more thing in my life to fight. I have purposely waited to purchase, hoping the bugs get worked out. I don't want to be doing software updates every other month. I have cameras that have been running four or five years. Never done a software update on a camera in my life. Is this system to the point you can take the cameras out, put them up, get reasonable battery life on food plots in southern climate - and get trouble free performance?
firmware updates are ongoing but most of the time the cameras work perfect without an update. An exception was when the cell units were first released there was an update that was vital, since then they have been minor improvements that most people dont notice . You dont have to update the firmware but we recommend doing it once a year if one is available.
IF you invest in a battery accessory for each camera right out of the gate battery issues will never be a concern, everyone has different tolerances on battery life. Personally i want to put them out in the summer and not change batteries until the season is over. That is what we strive for with some of our battery accessories.
In a PM, I was asked to share a few more details about the Wifi SD-Card / sniffer board hack. Here is some more text + some pictures:
  1. First, using an X-Acto knife or something similar, scrape a small gap in the VCC trace on the sniffer card. This interupts the power from the camera to the SD Card. Just this trace, not any of the GND or other traces.
  2. Then, from the other side, solder in the positive and negative leads from your 3.3volt supply, positive into the left (VCC) and negative into the right (GND) holes, respectively.
  3. See these pictures.
what gauge wire did you use?
Notice the perforated vinyl camo over the flash lens. Negligble impact on flash output. Both the solid and perforated vinyl is 3M genuine Realtree. A heatgun, razor blade, and scissors for install. Not shown is identical treatment to the OEM auxillairy battery box. The colors of the vinyl are not represented well in these (un-color corrected) images. In real life the colors blend better than shown here.

View attachment 23613

Been using the vinyl camo, but never thought to use the perforated vinyl for the flash or the camo gauze. Great ideas, gonna have to try that. The blocky flash modules on game cameras have always been the telltale indicator of a camera, and I’ve always wanted to find a fix for it.

Thanks for sharing

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Been using the vinyl camo, but never thought to use the perforated vinyl for the flash or the camo gauze. Great ideas, gonna have to try that. The blocky flash modules on game cameras have always been the telltale indicator of a camera, and I’ve always wanted to find a fix for it.

Thanks for sharing

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Thanks. The square flash, the blocky camera body itself - they all need to have the outline broken up in order to significantly improve concealment. If you use the full boat 3D camo as shown and find the right location it works really well.

I think the ultimate concealment is adhering actual tree bark (from the local area) to the camera body. There is a guy on youtube that makes trailcams all but disappear with this method. He removes the flash unit and mounts it remotely. Labor intensive for sure, but amazing results.
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Has anyone noticed the audible click when these things take pictures?
Has anyone noticed the audible click when these things take pictures?

I have noticed it the first pic at morning and evening transition. Aren't many cameras that don't do that...