Cuddeback's Cuddelink

One of the attributes of Cuddeback is that it is super easy and cheap to change out the Fresnel lens. It gets the least consideration but it is the most important aspect of the camera and the least expensive to change out. It is made of some form of plastic that will degrade from UV damage in time. I suppose set in direct sunlight the degradation will be greatly accelerated. It doesn't take much to affect the refraction of an IR wavelength through the Fresnel lens. The Fresnel lens is trying to focally center the IR onto one half of the sensor. If Fresnel lens is degraded by sun, pollen, dirt, water spots, scratches, etc it can greatly affect the sensitivity. I am guilty of leaving camera up when bush hogging, plowing, and planting. Anyways, give this a thought when troubleshooting detection issues.
Will you be able to turn "off" a runaway camera?
yes by setting your camera delay to "off" or you could change it to repeater mode. Thus the camera will stay powered on but cant take pics.
Will it fix the issue I’ve had quite often where I’m running solar panels and some times the sun is not out enough to charge the batteries and it even if I move it to direct sunlight it will recharge the batteries but the camera is unable to come back from the display of battery dead until I reset the camera by totally discharging it. I learned the had way on this I know move the camera to a better location for sun but it’s also snow on the panels that do this to me

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once a camera is off as a result of batteries going dead it has to be turned on manually - the new update will not allow you to turn the camera on since it has to be "on" to receive a command of any type.

Ok thanks so it flashing batt dead is considered “off” usually they are still flashing this when I get to them some times they have went completely dead and nothing is on the screen
I had a god year last year with 5 cameras went to 11 this year and nothing but issues seems like every week I was chasing some issue

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Ok thanks so it flashing batt dead is considered “off” usually they are still flashing this when I get to them some times they have went completely dead and nothing is on the screen
I had a god year last year with 5 cameras went to 11 this year and nothing but issues seems like every week I was chasing some issue

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dead= off -typically you should remove batteries and wait until the lcd screen is blank to get "Dead " to disappear from the LCD screen.
I'm still hoping for a real strap. Sad that even wild game inovations straps aren't this sorry.
these are available now but it will be quite a while before the current strap that comes with the cameras is changed, the labor and time needed to swap them out makes it not feasible. For those who want a better strap these are for sale.
Heavy Duty Mounting Strap Model 9072

Strap used to secure Genius Mounts to a structure
One of the attributes of Cuddeback is that it is super easy and cheap to change out the Fresnel lens. It gets the least consideration but it is the most important aspect of the camera and the least expensive to change out. It is made of some form of plastic that will degrade from UV damage in time. I suppose set in direct sunlight the degradation will be greatly accelerated. It doesn't take much to affect the refraction of an IR wavelength through the Fresnel lens. The Fresnel lens is trying to focally center the IR onto one half of the sensor. If Fresnel lens is degraded by sun, pollen, dirt, water spots, scratches, etc it can greatly affect the sensitivity. I am guilty of leaving camera up when bush hogging, plowing, and planting. Anyways, give this a thought when troubleshooting detection issues.

Check out the dirty and scratched up camera lens & Fresnel lens. I think I'm going to include one of those micro-fiber eyeglass cleaning cloths in my gear bag. Maybe a brush too.


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I'm still hoping for a real strap. Sad that even wild game inovations straps aren't this sorry.
I finally went Genius mount with screws. IMO the camera is just too heavy for a strap. Had to add a screwdriver and another with a Torx head to my bag. :emoji_frowning2:
The Genius mount is nothing great, it's a detractor from the design, for me. I would much rather have a 1/4x20 threaded mount, and a standard camera strap.
The Genius mount is nothing great, it's a detractor from the design, for me. I would much rather have a 1/4x20 threaded mount, and a standard camera strap.
There's a 1/4x20 thread in the back of every camera. I used it on all my G and J cameras before I put them in security boxes.
There's a 1/4x20 thread in the back of every camera. I used it on all my G and J cameras before I put them in security boxes.
You're correct, I have used it on my G's and J's.
I used a 1/4-20 eye bolt and a eye screw to tree with a cable lock thru the genius mount
Do you guys have any ideas how to find a thumb screw that will work on the back of the J D cell battery packs? I haver some that require a flat head and some that require a phillips and I always forget one of them when in the woods and needing to replace batteries. Would like to just change it to a thumb screw so I don't have to have a screwdriver.
Do you guys have any ideas how to find a thumb screw that will work on the back of the J D cell battery packs? I haver some that require a flat head and some that require a phillips and I always forget one of them when in the woods and needing to replace batteries. Would like to just change it to a thumb screw so I don't have to have a screwdriver.

I noticed it to, here’s what I do.
don’t crank the screw down, just snug is fine
Carry a flat head screw driver, or a truck key, with the screws not being tight the flat head loosens easy.
On the Phillips use the corner of the flat head driver to loosen the screw. There is no need to torque those bolts down
Do you guys have any ideas how to find a thumb screw that will work on the back of the J D cell battery packs? I haver some that require a flat head and some that require a phillips and I always forget one of them when in the woods and needing to replace batteries. Would like to just change it to a thumb screw so I don't have to have a screwdriver.
It's a 1/4x20 thread, not that hard to find at a hardware store. If you don't want to replace them you can always carry a good multi tool with you.
There's a 1/4x20 thread in the back of every camera. I used it on all my G and J cameras before I put them in security boxes.
If you don’t replace the existing screw with a bolt the camera will slide right over when using a cables lock and the genius mount
I’m curious if anyone else get reports that are identical to the one received the day before. What I mean is I didn’t get any pictures and battery days is unchanged. Also I noticed that if I cycle the dual cell cam off and on it seems to be more productive immediately afterwards than slowly appears to be less productive. Thoughts??
I have seen this but if you look at the report the next day it has changed to reflect the correct info
Pulled all cameras for year #2 with system. 8G's with older G cell Home. All units had external 3358 boosters and absolutely no problems from August-December. This system has worked well for what we want it to do and really like the way it gives us eyes on property being 3 hours away. I put my cell home about 25' up in tree with my climber and really works good.

Wanted to see how the numbers and weather and basically the property reacted to the system as each property is different and basically what it told me is that I can put them out even earlier next season perhaps around the 4th of July and that should still get me to
until December again. without going to a single camera to change any batteries all season.

Read a while back about the double battery banks and was going to use them on everything but they simply were not available in time this season. Don't see them on Cudde website was wondering from those that used them how you liked them and what kind of days you guys got out of them if using them with double alkaline banks no solar. Also are they readily available now ? do they show up good on reports ? differentiating each bank before you get into internals?
I’m curious if anyone else get reports that are identical to the one received the day before. What I mean is I didn’t get any pictures and battery days is unchanged. Also I noticed that if I cycle the dual cell cam off and on it seems to be more productive immediately afterwards than slowly appears to be less productive. Thoughts??
More and less productive in which way?