When in
Cuddelink Mode FAP is disabled. It remains in the manual in case a user is running the camera without cuddelink mode on( very rare IMO). CL delay is now linked directly to the camera Delay the user chooses insuring that all images are sent home.
The manual and online help could always be better...... but if we eliminated all the questions that can be answered already in our manual, this thread would be 2 pages instead of 132

. I know nobody likes to read manuals, im one of those people.
The cameras are larger than most but they need to be if we want battery power to be sufficient, theres that limitation thing again... its a trade off on what is more important at the current time and how can we design them to work the best.
I would love to see a very simple camera that can be turned on and hung on the tree and thats it, but to do so we would have to limit many of the options that people want and if we did so there would be 100's of comments on threads like this asking why cant the camera do this?, or do that? or i wish it would do this! etc etc. That said, it may happen someday but we would almost certainly need multiple models to accomplish this and keep all of our users happy.
I do think prime time will be a useful tool to many. i plan on using it late season over my food plots , when scouting turkeys in the spring and a few other instances, its not for everyone but we are continually trying to build the cameras so that they do anything and everything the consumer wants.