I am not sure with your climate zone, and what your spring plantings will consist of, but I have spread sunflower, soybeans, and clover in the spring, into a young growing WR plot that was fall planted, with minimal effect of the winter rye shading out the crop. I just let the winter rye fall down on its own in July, and the spring crop was plenty thick by then to canopy in the fallen winter rye. Now I wouldnt do this if I depended on it for income, or if the deer "NEEDED" it to survive, but for the food plots I have, I just basically plant stuff, I dont terminate, spray, if I dont need to, usually just spot spraying for thistle. All I do it run a small disc into the winter rye when it is about 4 inches tall with the gangs straight to open spots for the seed to contact dirt, then let it go all summer, then Labor Day weekend I replant winter rye. By doing this my soil has thanked me!