Crabapples resistant to CAR


5 year old buck +
I’m looking for some crabapples that are resistant to CAR that will make good cider some day. I already have Kerr, Dolgo, Chestnut, and Whitney crabs planted. Does anyone have any recommendations or favorites that would be resistant to CAR? I’m in Zone 5.
I don't know much about cider, but the 3rd year Centennial I have is very clean. They are supposed to taste good for fresh eating.
Chestnut and dolgo seem the most resistant. Dolgo seedlings vary considerably in resistance.

I need to check a few other trees before I post.

Here is a wild tree with some of the worst infections I have seen.

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Wickson, Kerr, and frostbite are showing CAR.

Two red flesh look pretty clean, but perhaps it looks differently on bronze leaves. Pictures to follow. You be the judge.

Winter Redflesh. Perhaps those dark spots are CAR?

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Firecracker which probably is Bill’s Redflesh??

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Wickson, Kerr, and frostbite are showing CAR.

Two red flesh look pretty clean, but perhaps it looks differently on bronze leaves. Pictures to follow. You be the judge.

Winter Redflesh. Perhaps those dark spots are CAR?

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Is the CAR on your Kerr mild?
Wickson, Kerr, and frostbite are showing CAR.

Two red flesh look pretty clean, but perhaps it looks differently on bronze leaves. Pictures to follow. You be the judge.

Winter Redflesh. Perhaps those dark spots are CAR?

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Is the CAR on your Kerr mild?


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This Kerr rested last year, but has plenty of fruit, even with the CAR.

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Golden Hornet

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Big Dog. This is a very hard and somewhat sour crab. I consider it inedible for humans. It might work well in hard cider. The problem is that it ripens about 60 days after centennial. You could freeze some centennial or chestnuts and then thaw and blend with this.

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I’m looking for some crabapples that are resistant to CAR that will make good cider some day. I already have Kerr, Dolgo, Chestnut, and Whitney crabs planted. Does anyone have any recommendations or favorites that would be resistant to CAR? I’m in Zone 5.

I am having some disease problem with Trailman, so I won’t post pictures. Maybe some fireblight and I have taken some limbs off of it.

I have a couple of seedlings out back that I will try and get pictures of.

I don’t know if your question refers to sweet cider or hard cider. I have only made cider for three years, but my best sweet cider contains about 50% chestnut crab.

Last fall, a commercial hard cider facility was looking for chestnut crabs. I had some of their ice cider from all chestnut crabs and it was great.
Chill hours could change flavor of all of these crabs.

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