Coyote vs Coon


5 year old buck +
I see this is 3yrs old but still cool.

That is so cool. I planted sweet corn in the middle of a field this year. We have never had many coons around but I could tell they were in the corn. I put a camera at the end of the corn at ground level. It was coons coming and going and fox and coyotes mixed in. I wondered why they didn't go after the coons, now I know.
I think I posted this on the dark side once. My wife and I were tent camping up at Leech Lake when we were first married. After dark, we put a couple of thick rib-eye steaks on a wood fired camp grill outside our tent. I was watching the steaks from the picnic table, as a big coon came in and started pulling at one of the steaks on the grill. I charged it hollering at it to get away......and the coon charged right at me.....teeth barred and hissing. I backed off a bit looking for a poker.....and an instant later the coon got that steak. My wife and I split the remaining steak that night. :(

Major drought at that time.....and little food for the critters. The next week a bear crawled thru the window of a pickup camper and killed a woman in the camper. Same campground we were in.
Cool video. Damn Foggy, a man should not have to be armed to cook his dinner!
North of 200, I think it's prudent to be packin' heat.
Dang lil suckers look like they can be a handful
They are feisty for sure.
They are feisty for sure.

The only thing that will make you pucker harder is trying to release a live bobcat fom a snare after the close of bobcat season! Those things are like a tornado with razor blades for claws.
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Yes sir - coons are just evil when they have a mind to be. I trapped them for a number of years and saw plenty of up close hostility. Lb. for lb., they might be one of the strongest critters out there, judging from the size / weight of some drags they towed around !!
Boy that had to be painful !! Most of us wait for a chance at a bruiser buck like you saw. Can't think of a stranger way to lose a buck though. I know you'll never forget that encounter.