Covert cam, anyone have one?

Just sifted through endless wind pics with the sensitivity at lowest setting. Not thrilled about it. I won't bash covert, but with results I find it hard to promote them.
Not sure which setting you are using but I believe the high sensitivity is used when the temp is above 80.
I have several coverts. 1 MP8 and 3 of the special ops cellular. They all go crazy with the sun. I find I am having lots of issues with their cellular cams this season. They seem to miss a lot. Ive walked in front of these things as well as sitting in a stand and watching deer walk past the cell cams, waiting for the pic and nothing. I am not buying any more of their cameras. Its always the user that doesn't know how to set them up. I have been using trail cameras since they come out, Im have about 30 or so of different brands so it very well may be my inexperience
Got my replacement cam today from Covert. We will see how this one does with the sun.
Based on some of what I have read so far, I am not holding out a lot of hope.
I've got a green light on my cam(covert black 60), assuming this is low battery? funny if so, being that this is a replacement cam from last November and I threw in 12 lithium batteries in it and it's been out a couple months at most.