Could news outlets become any more obviously biased?

Sometimes me thinks you guys are too young or perhaps forgetful. The media and the govnt have been lying bastards for ages. The Vietnam war was sadly misrepresented and info kept under wraps about it for years. In addition media thru the 60s and 70s dwelled on the race and anti war marches and riots. Then failed to even recognize the mistreatment by some segments of society, the government , and even the VA of the returning Nam vets. They were the youngest , mostly drafted group of young men and women fighting a war in recent times. And it’s happened multi level times since then. The media loves the drama regardless of where the truth lies.
Screw the media , sometimes the govt , and for sure Walter Chronkite. Whew ! God Bless America.

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I love yelling at the first 15 minutes of the Today Show. Today’s hypocrisy, bash Trump for no social distancing or masks at his speech or NH trip yesterday. It was half their story, picking on people holding peaceful protest signs at his rally (great loop hole by the way), pointing out that these are super spreader events. The next story is about thousands of people marching on Washington, packed in like sardines, screaming, and spitting all over each other. No mention of covid and describe it as a momentous day.
I love yelling at the first 15 minutes of the Today Show. Today’s hypocrisy, bash Trump for no social distancing or masks at his speech or NH trip yesterday. It was half their story, picking on people holding peaceful protest signs at his rally (great loop hole by the way), pointing out that these are super spreader events. The next story is about thousands of people marching on Washington, packed in like sardines, screaming, and spitting all over each other. No mention of covid and describe it as a momentous day.

It's amazing. And people lap it up like milk from a saucer.
That’s fantastic!! Believe it when I see it though.

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I never realized how the media is blatantly lying / reporting on about the riots and shootings. Anyone who watches the full videos will quickly learn the media is lying. The scary thing also is the one sided censorship occurring with the technology companies.
I never realized how the media is blatantly lying / reporting on about the riots and shootings. Anyone who watches the full videos will quickly learn the media is lying. The scary thing also is the one sided censorship occurring with the technology companies.
Seems there are way too many people that believe what they are told by the fake news. Defund the police is beyond stupid. Rioters are blaming others for what they are destroying. The guilty accuse fits most democratic statements in my opinion.
I never realized how the media is blatantly lying / reporting on about the riots and shootings. Anyone who watches the full videos will quickly learn the media is lying. The scary thing also is the one sided censorship occurring with the technology companies.

I don't think it was ever as severe and blatant as it is now. The propaganda isn't even sophisticated. It's blatant lies that most people seem to just accept. The thing that bothers me most is that people in general don't seem to be interested in the truth.
I've been catching the media in blatant lies for yrs and hold a major contempt for them. More so than I do either political party. I figure most politicians operate on a 2 function basis; how does this benefit me, and how does it benefit my voters. Beyond that train of thought there isn't much difference in a modern Republican or Democrat. The media however purposely divides the nation. They purposely ruin lives. They instigate market crashes. They are purposely hurtful. I have a very low tolerance for lying manipulators.

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the frustrating thing to me is it has leached into every aspect of media. I can't even read scores and see what my sports team is doing without being hammered with this stuff. And the more backlash the media or vocal minority receive, the more they martyr themselves and feel justified in what they're doing. It's incredible.
Obama's just a cog in a machine. He didn't start any of this, nor will any of it end with him. The entire political system needs an overhaul. As well as the newsmedia that protects the system through their constant unapologetic propaganda.

I agree that he was/is a puppet for someone above him that has some agenda where race division benefits some cause they are pushing.
It does seem that the "start" of what have become todays problems began under obamas tenure with the Trayvon Martin crap, that restarted a bunch of protesting/rioting/looting and gave birth to the BLM movement with idiots like Kapernick fanning the flames.
It really does look like the bulk of the MSM is on board with promoting the same narrative-agenda of protesting/rioting/looting/harassing/bullying/lying...even TV commercials and ads are popping up with it now even though the BLM and Antifa crowd are merging into a domestic terrorist organization driven by chaos and misinformation. Most of the so called news sources seem to be nothing more than propaganda machines for these groups. What is the end goal? To bring the country down? To make us more like China or Venezuela?
Very crazy times we are living in when far out movie conspiracy plots start turning into real life events.
I agree that he was/is a puppet for someone above him that has some agenda where race division benefits some cause they are pushing.
It does seem that the "start" of what have become todays problems began under obamas tenure with the Trayvon Martin crap, that restarted a bunch of protesting/rioting/looting and gave birth to the BLM movement with idiots like Kapernick fanning the flames.
It really does look like the bulk of the MSM is on board with promoting the same narrative-agenda of protesting/rioting/looting/harassing/bullying/lying...even TV commercials and ads are popping up with it now even though the BLM and Antifa crowd are merging into a domestic terrorist organization driven by chaos and misinformation. Most of the so called news sources seem to be nothing more than propaganda machines for these groups. What is the end goal? To bring the country down? To make us more like China or Venezuela?
Very crazy times we are living in when far out movie conspiracy plots start turning into real life events.

it does make you wonder. Just what is it that they want to accomplish. How Do they figure it will be a better country? What is it they gain? They will fall with the rest so I don’t see the reasoning
? To make us more like China or Venezuela?
Very crazy times

Yes. They want to dismantle the state as it is and replace it with something like the Chinese system.

Remember that China is improving economically. Everyone is expected to do their job and keep their mouths shut and be grateful to the state for what they have. They are kept in line by depriving them of rights and information. In China they call it "harmonizing" (he xie).
Yes. They want to dismantle the state as it is and replace it with something like the Chinese system.

Remember that China is improving economically. Everyone is expected to do their job and keep their mouths shut and be grateful to the state for what they have. They are kept in line by depriving them of rights and information. In China they call it "harmonizing" (he xie).
Sounds like communism to me. History shows it will eventually fail and probably soon. Corona was an attempt to extend It.
It's not communism. It's an opprressive one-party kleptocracy. Communism went out in the '80s. The elites got tired of being poor.
It's not communism. It's an opprressive one-party kleptocracy. Communism went out in the '80s. The elites got tired of being poor.
You are the only one that says they are not communist. Even the media agrees they are communist. A pig by any other name is still a pig.