Could news outlets become any more obviously biased?

Most people are halfway decent at reading between the lines.
I dont be leave it when 50% of the voters cast there vote.
A perfect example of media bias/only reporting their political preference.

21 people were shot at one gathering in DC over the weekend. This was the biggest mass shooting in America so far this year. They were all African American. CNN and MSNBC did not report on this tragedy. Instead they spent lots of time talking about the bikers not wearing masks going to the Sturgis rally.
A perfect example of media bias/only reporting their political preference.

21 people were shot at one gathering in DC over the weekend. This was the biggest mass shooting in America so far this year. They were all African American. CNN and MSNBC did not report on this tragedy. Instead they spent lots of time talking about the bikers not wearing masks going to the Sturgis rally.

The bikers in Sturgis was the focus of 3 articles in the liberal Star Tribune. God forbid, liberals were upset that the SD Governor would allow that ... but our Governor in MN is great, even after he stood down and allowed the city of Minneapolis to burn ! Unbelievable
as an evangelical Christian (that's me, like it or not. I'm not perfect, but I know what's right and wrong) I have a problem with a man cheating on his second wife with a playboy model, then marrying the playboy model. Morally. I think he's crass, arrogant, and incredibly full of himself. That rubs me the wrong way and I have a problem with the same people who wanted to kick Clinton out for getting a beej in the whitehouse thinking trump is a good, moral human. He's not.

He's an incredible business man. He is a ferocious negotiator. He doesn't take any BS from his opposition and that makes him good at aspects of being a president. I believe the US economy finally ran away from China under Trumps leadership, and at least in part this nonsense is related to them trying to play dirty and even the playing field.

But if you honestly think Donald Trump is a good moral PERSON, then I guess that's where our alignment will respectfully part ways.

All this said, I'd choose him 110 times out of 100 over Hillary or Biden. Just please don't paint him as a high quality man and father. High quality men and fathers and husbands don't bang hoors. Much less while they have a wife and kids at home.
Other than that, he's practically Mother Teresa.

A lot to digest there, I guess judging others does not factor in your code.

He was elected President, not the Pope ... don't worry about alignment, I don't fabricate moral outrage ...
The bikers in Sturgis was the focus of 3 articles in the liberal Star Tribune. God forbid, liberals were upset that the SD Governor would allow that ... but our Governor in MN is great, even after he stood down and allowed the city of Minneapolis to burn ! Unbelievable
They're gonna lose the fear factor if the counters don't miscalculate their way to a huge spike in deaths by labor day. I'd have thought they'd try harder after the fourth of July.
A lot to digest there, I guess judging others does not factor in your code.

He was elected President, not the Pope ... don't worry about alignment, I don't fabricate moral outrage ...

We're all fallen. But there's a giant difference between throwing someone out thru judgement, and calling something that is wrong, wrong. We all do that, and are supposed to do that.

Just because I don't agree with someone on an issue, doesn't mean I hate them. I am saying, I get a laugh out of the people who were outraged at Clinton for how he lived, but somehow turn a hypocritical eye to the past of our president. Can't have it both ways. And if you try to, your opinion is watered down because then you're just being partisan.
A lot to digest there, I guess judging others does not factor in your code.

He was elected President, not the Pope ... don't worry about alignment, I don't fabricate moral outrage ...

We're all fallen. But there's a giant difference between throwing someone out thru judgement, and calling something that is wrong, wrong. We all do that, and are supposed to do that.

Just because I don't agree with someone on an issue, doesn't mean I hate them. I am saying, I get a laugh out of the people who were outraged at Clinton for how he lived, but somehow turn a hypocritical eye to the past of our president. Can't have it both ways. And if you try to, your opinion is watered down because then you're just being partisan.

There is actually a huge difference about the behavior of a government employee when they are in government owned buildings and homes than there is for a private citizen.

The acts could be exactly the same but you don’t get to do it on the dime of the tax payer.

In the eyes of The Almighty.......

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We're all fallen. But there's a giant difference between throwing someone out thru judgement, and calling something that is wrong, wrong. We all do that, and are supposed to do that.

Just because I don't agree with someone on an issue, doesn't mean I hate them. I am saying, I get a laugh out of the people who were outraged at Clinton for how he lived, but somehow turn a hypocritical eye to the past of our president. Can't have it both ways. And if you try to, your opinion is watered down because then you're just being partisan.

Who are you?

I'll trust the Bible over Einstein. But that's just me.
I don't know where it says to ignore, but I digress.

I don't think most of the outraged evangelicals looking at Clinton distinguished between whether he did it in the office or in his own home. But I was a young pup when that was going down.

All good man. I would choose Trump over the other alternatives, but I'm not gonna sit here and say I think he's a solid, moral man. We can disagree, but that's what makes the country great. I still can get along with you on other stuff, even through differing opinions.
Talking about past events for different people and candidates certainly goes both ways(Clinton v Trump). But it also goes both ways in all situations. Years and years ago, before being part of any government job, Trump had some time spent with an adult film actress. Two adult, consenting individuals. Biden has a few accusers of sexual misconduct. Adult.. nonconsenting individuals. Why does that get a pass? Fine for Biden, not fine for Kavanaugh(or however your spell his name). From day 1 impeachment proceedings for Trump over many many investigations. No investigation for Biden flying around with Epstein? Should be the same for everyone, ALWAYS. That includes the Clintons
They are actually letting Bill give a speech at their virtual convention. There is no doubt he flew multiple times with Epstein and was seen at his Island. I started watching the documentary on Epstein. It is disturbing to say the least. Everyone knew what his deal was so it makes sense to me if you are in his circle you are guilty to some extent. There was only one reason you hung out with Epstein. How the media gives these people a pass is shocking. They have no problem showing a picture of Epstein and Trump despite Trump being the one guy that threw him out and didn’t want to be associated with him. I wonder where the bodies are of the girls Bill raped, you know they didn’t make it off the Island alive.
I'll trust the Bible over Einstein. But that's just me.
I don't know where it says to ignore, but I digress.

I don't think most of the outraged evangelicals looking at Clinton distinguished between whether he did it in the office or in his own home. But I was a young pup when that was going down.

All good man. I would choose Trump over the other alternatives, but I'm not gonna sit here and say I think he's a solid, moral man. We can disagree, but that's what makes the country great. I still can get along with you on other stuff, even through differing opinions.

Appreciate you comments and and sounds like you have a good moral compass. One point of clarification ... You keep stating that I said that Trump was a good man and moral man. I never said that. Cheating on one's wife is wrong. I think he is a pretty good man who made a poor moral choice. The media has showed no sense of fairness and pushed every false accusation against Trump the democrats has made. Every claim has proved false. He is a pretty clean as Politicians go.

As you are a self described young pup, there is a difference with Clinton ... he was/is a sexual predator. He used his office as a Governor & President to sexually assault many women. He lied to a Federal Grand Jury about having sex with Monica Lewinsky and the media covered for him, until Lewinsky produced her dress with his sperm on it. He is also connected with the Epstein child prostitution ring.

I know some will claim splitting of hairs, but I think there is a difference between a womanizer and a sexual predator.

No worries mate, all good ... go plant some food plots :emoji_wink:
Appreciate you comments and and sounds like you have a good moral compass. One point of clarification ... You keep stating that I said that Trump was a good man and moral man. I never said that. Cheating on one's wife is wrong. I think he is a pretty good man who made a poor moral choice. The media has showed no sense of fairness and pushed every false accusation against Trump the democrats has made. Every claim has proved false. He is a pretty clean as Politicians go.

As you are a self described young pup, there is a difference with Clinton ... he was/is a sexual predator. He used his office as a Governor & President to sexually assault many women. He lied to a Federal Grand Jury about having sex with Monica Lewinsky and the media covered for him, until Lewinsky produced her dress with his sperm on it. He is also connected with the Epstein child prostitution ring.

I know some will claim splitting of hairs, but I think there is a difference between a womanizer and a sexual predator.

No worries mate, all good ... go plant some food plots :emoji_wink:

I guess I wasn't specifically talking about just you. I don't think for a minute Trump made "a bad decision"
I think he had the money and power and arrogance to continually "grab em by the p@@@y" and brag about it. He was also somewhat implicated with the Epstein thing too. I just watched the documentary. I agree the media really wants to get him and he's probably at worst, no worse than clinton or the others. Just don't get the people who were mad at Clinton for being a cheater, being ok with Trump being the same thing. In his personal life. I get the nuance of doing it in office, and while doing the job.

I would agree that I think clinton is probably the predator of the 2. Trump just likes to have sex with women. There is a difference.
At least it's with women! I'd be more worried if it was men.
I guess I wasn't specifically talking about just you. I don't think for a minute Trump made "a bad decision"
I think he had the money and power and arrogance to continually "grab em by the p@@@y" and brag about it. He was also somewhat implicated with the Epstein thing too. I just watched the documentary. I agree the media really wants to get him and he's probably at worst, no worse than clinton or the others. Just don't get the people who were mad at Clinton for being a cheater, being ok with Trump being the same thing. In his personal life. I get the nuance of doing it in office, and while doing the job.

I would agree that I think clinton is probably the predator of the 2. Trump just likes to have sex with women. There is a difference.

The fallacy of moral equivalency ...
You can blame 100% of this on Obama.
You can blame 100% of this on Obama.
that and $0.50 will get you the paper tomorrow.

Good grief Obama was spineless tho...
Wonder if the national media will get around to covering this??? If they do they will blame it on the gun..... I can only imagine the national outrage if the race of the victim and the killer were reversed. Happened 2 days ago in NC.
