Could news outlets become any more obviously biased?

Happens everyday but you only hear about it if it is on the local news
Wonder if the national media will get around to covering this??? If they do they will blame it on the gun..... I can only imagine the national outrage if the race of the victim and the killer were reversed. Happened 2 days ago in NC.

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Nope, doesn’t fit their narrative
You can blame 100% of this on Obama.

Obama's just a cog in a machine. He didn't start any of this, nor will any of it end with him. The entire political system needs an overhaul. As well as the newsmedia that protects the system through their constant unapologetic propaganda.
Wonder if the national media will get around to covering this??? If they do they will blame it on the gun..... I can only imagine the national outrage if the race of the victim and the killer were reversed. Happened 2 days ago in NC.

View attachment 31094
Nope, doesn’t fit their narrative

They’ll say we need more gun control.

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Obama's just a cog in a machine. He didn't start any of this, nor will any of it end with him. The entire political system needs an overhaul. As well as the newsmedia that protects the system through their constant unapologetic propaganda.

That's true. He's just 1 person. But race relations got set back 50 years under his tenure. He's more to blame than anyone.
How about this one. Fox News was the only major news source to report on this. Doesn’t fit CNN and MSNBC’s (MSDNC) narrative. Cannon Hinnant. #SayHisName. So sad
That murdering SOB needs to be put to death immediately. It still wouldn't be justice for Cannon Hinnant's parents and sisters. Sickening.
That's true. He's just 1 person. But race relations got set back 50 years under his tenure. He's more to blame than anyone.

The media is mostly to blame for the deterioration of race relations in America. CNN is constantly telling America (and the rest of the world) that blacks and whites don't get along. They highlight white-on-black crimes, and they give endless coverage to BLM and other leftist hate groups and treat them like heroic freedom fighters.
Obama's just a cog in a machine. He didn't start any of this, nor will any of it end with him. The entire political system needs an overhaul. As well as the newsmedia that protects the system through their constant unapologetic propaganda.
Do any of you have any idea how many times these Tech giants that were talked about in the video visited the white house during the Obama administration?
CBS gave it a whole 10 seconds in the middle of the nightly news yesterday. Like they didn’t even have time to report the on most significant news of the day.
CBS gave it a whole 10 seconds in the middle of the nightly news yesterday. Like they didn’t even have time to report the on most significant news of the day.
Same with NBC today. 10 seconds at the end of the segment. Almost made it sound like it was a product of Meullers investigation. Didn’t even try to explain it in any way. Durham better start releasing shit. If Biden actually took questions I would love if someone got him on the record if he would allow the investigation to continue if he becomes president.
Wonder if the national media will get around to covering this??? If they do they will blame it on the gun..... I can only imagine the national outrage if the race of the victim and the killer were reversed. Happened 2 days ago in NC.

View attachment 31094
ABC nightly news covered it on Friday - the day after your post - including a photo of the man charged with murder in the case. Absolutely senseless and tragic!
Do any of you have any idea how many times these Tech giants that were talked about in the video visited the white house during the Obama administration?

They weren't summoned by some great puppet master. The point is the tech/corpirate giants are the true masters.
They weren't summoned by some great puppet master. The point is the tech/corpirate giants are the true masters.
Agree, And the fact that they are visiting the whitehouse that often to see a bought and paid for candidate is troubling.
Joining this one late (I can't believe that I missed this thread).

The way I see it, this is about TWO things: history and economics:

Media has gone from being a public service - when the only way to receive it was through rabbit ears and tune in when it was on in the evening (Walter C and so on). That was a way to keep the government honest and the truth was reported (I'll just say that was for the most part the purpose and leave it there).

Once cable TV took over households, news became a business.
That's all it is now. It's all about the money from ad revenue. The now dubbed MSM (main stream media) all have cable equivalents. They need new attention grabbing characters to tell you what they think or what you should think along with outlandish statements and headlines. And you need to pay them...

Who makes the money?
Somewhere I read that about 70% of the news media organizations are owned by much of the same people (investors, board members and the like). It sounded a little bit like a conspiracy theory but there is some truth in there somewhere. So if you own part of both sides, you're always making money. And you make more money when the two sides are battling it out; drawing in like-minded viewers on any channel. If you really look to understand what's dividing our country, look no further than Fox, CNN, Axios, MSNBC, ABCNews, CBSNews and the list goes on and on (including OANN - even though we all like Chanel). If you had to put all of these on a spectrum of left to right:


OANN has recently come along way - fighting for viewership ($$$$). People are buying up subscriptions online to watch it when it's not available from their provider.

If it hasn't been said yet...

The news media is a business. Plain and simple.
Reporting isn't about facts, it's about the money!

Money comes from advertising. When there is nothing new to say, say something outrageous to pull viewers in.

This is all just my opinion.
Agree, And the fact that they are visiting the whitehouse that often to see a bought and paid for candidate is troubling.

Terrifying. Inherently anti-democratic. But mostly legal.