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I'm surprised it hasn't been censored yet. Another unbelievable Rogan interview. Dr Robert Malone. How in the f**k can this shit continue to be ignored and censored on such a grand scale. Our poor kids and grandkids will greatly suffer.
Well, i just got back from a few days of rest and relaxation at the local hospital. Woke up Friday morning to a blood ox of 79/80% wife telling me I look like im going to die. She takes me to urgent care where they meet me in the waiting room and start hooking me to monitors and o2 as Im being wheeled into a room. I was there long enough for the melodramatic and highly unproffesioal doctor to literaly scream multiple times you are going to die. They called 911 and i was transprorted to the er and hospital.
Much clearer heads there. Once they got me calmed down, and once i got my wife calmed down ( urgent care nurse ran out to her car and repeated i would die on the way to the er, then told her no visitors so "just go home and wait for the call") we were able to get the percentage back up at least to 90 %
I spent only Friday and Saturday there. By the afternoon i was able to stay around 90% without supplemental o2 and i was able to convince them to discharge me. They treated me with a barrage of steroids and the remdensivire ( which does seem to work felt alot better hours after the first iv) inhalers and lung therapy. The wife is still get hit hard with the sinus and headache end so i didnt want to leave her alone any longer than absolutely necassary.
Long story short, covid sucks it hits some hard (me) and some hardly at all (millions of others). The irony is not lost on me that i was hit hard with it. Its been 10 days nowand and god willing it seems i am finally getting over it. I just pray my wife turns the corner soon. She is opposite of me lungs clear so o2 wise is safe, its all sinusand headache and just feels shitty.
All that being said, i was at the er, saw first hand ALL the empty rooms, but yet the talked of being over whelmed and had at least one patient set up in a hall way. Why was he not in a room?plenty open, i saw them.
Same thing in the hospital, lots of empty rooms. But it took them 4 hours to find me a room ? It doesnt make sense. Dont get me wrong the care was great, i wish they had more staff to help but its the hospitals own doing.
Well, i just got back from a few days of rest and relaxation at the local hospital. Woke up Friday morning to a blood ox of 79/80% wife telling me I look like im going to die. She takes me to urgent care where they meet me in the waiting room and start hooking me to monitors and o2 as Im being wheeled into a room. I was there long enough for the melodramatic and highly unproffesioal doctor to literaly scream multiple times you are going to die. They called 911 and i was transprorted to the er and hospital.
Much clearer heads there. Once they got me calmed down, and once i got my wife calmed down ( urgent care nurse ran out to her car and repeated i would die on the way to the er, then told her no visitors so "just go home and wait for the call") we were able to get the percentage back up at least to 90 %
I spent only Friday and Saturday there. By the afternoon i was able to stay around 90% without supplemental o2 and i was able to convince them to discharge me. They treated me with a barrage of steroids and the remdensivire ( which does seem to work felt alot better hours after the first iv) inhalers and lung therapy. The wife is still get hit hard with the sinus and headache end so i didnt want to leave her alone any longer than absolutely necassary.
Long story short, covid sucks it hits some hard (me) and some hardly at all (millions of others). The irony is not lost on me that i was hit hard with it. Its been 10 days nowand and god willing it seems i am finally getting over it. I just pray my wife turns the corner soon. She is opposite of me lungs clear so o2 wise is safe, its all sinusand headache and just feels shitty.
All that being said, i was at the er, saw first hand ALL the empty rooms, but yet the talked of being over whelmed and had at least one patient set up in a hall way. Why was he not in a room?plenty open, i saw them.
Same thing in the hospital, lots of empty rooms. But it took them 4 hours to find me a room ? It doesnt make sense. Dont get me wrong the care was great, i wish they had more staff to help but its the hospitals own doing.
Scary stuff, glad you turned the corner. The million dollar question, do you wish you got the vaccine now?
Scary stuff, glad you turned the corner. The million dollar question, do you wish you got the vaccine now?
Good question, been going round and round on that. Answer probably would still be no. No guarantee it wod have been any different had i had the vax.
But as i said, its still a question im battling with.
We can only image if therapeutics (the exact same ones that have been used safely for 3 decades) would have been available....maybe mild cold symptoms would have been the worst of it.
Scary stuff. Glad you are past it. My wife is still coughing a lot, so it lingered for a couple weeks for her. My daughter is better, and I really never had more then a sore throat for a few days. None of us had any lung issues, just sore throat, and sinus.
Scary stuff. Glad you are past it. My wife is still coughing a lot, so it lingered for a couple weeks for her. My daughter is better, and I really never had more then a sore throat for a few days. None of us had any lung issues, just sore throat, and sinus.
Glad to hear that. Unfortunately for me ive had a lifetime of lung issues, from asthma, to chronic pneumonia, chemical pneumonia twice, now evrything i get goes directly to my lungs. Makes it hard to kick things easy, hard to recover from them , and most Unfortunately hard to keep in good shape to help in the future, after this though im going to try harder than ever before. Anyone whos had to have phone conversations with their wife and kids who all think your going to die will understand that.
Well, i just got back from a few days of rest and relaxation at the local hospital. Woke up Friday morning to a blood ox of 79/80% wife telling me I look like im going to die. She takes me to urgent care where they meet me in the waiting room and start hooking me to monitors and o2 as Im being wheeled into a room. I was there long enough for the melodramatic and highly unproffesioal doctor to literaly scream multiple times you are going to die. They called 911 and i was transprorted to the er and hospital.
Much clearer heads there. Once they got me calmed down, and once i got my wife calmed down ( urgent care nurse ran out to her car and repeated i would die on the way to the er, then told her no visitors so "just go home and wait for the call") we were able to get the percentage back up at least to 90 %
I spent only Friday and Saturday there. By the afternoon i was able to stay around 90% without supplemental o2 and i was able to convince them to discharge me. They treated me with a barrage of steroids and the remdensivire ( which does seem to work felt alot better hours after the first iv) inhalers and lung therapy. The wife is still get hit hard with the sinus and headache end so i didnt want to leave her alone any longer than absolutely necassary.
Long story short, covid sucks it hits some hard (me) and some hardly at all (millions of others). The irony is not lost on me that i was hit hard with it. Its been 10 days nowand and god willing it seems i am finally getting over it. I just pray my wife turns the corner soon. She is opposite of me lungs clear so o2 wise is safe, its all sinusand headache and just feels shitty.
All that being said, i was at the er, saw first hand ALL the empty rooms, but yet the talked of being over whelmed and had at least one patient set up in a hall way. Why was he not in a room?plenty open, i saw them.
Same thing in the hospital, lots of empty rooms. But it took them 4 hours to find me a room ? It doesnt make sense. Dont get me wrong the care was great, i wish they had more staff to help but its the hospitals own doing.
Glad you're past the worst of it. How it hits each individual is no better than a coin flip - 50/50 chance you'll survive. I lost a cousin to Covid, and 3 other cousins, plus 2 hunting friends have permanent lung damage. One cousin now has circulatory problems that were non-existent in her before she got Covid. Her arteries and veins are inflamed, and bodily fluids are not being transported normally anymore. She can barely get from one room to another in her home without having to sit down. ALL of my family members & hunting friends mentioned above were unvaccinated.

Hospitals worldwide once again flooded with cases - mostly with unvaccinated people (around 93% according to doctors and nurses on the front lines.) Covid and its mutations aren't going away any time soon. Can only wonder what all this will do to the health insurance premiums with so many hospitalizations & long-term care. Insurance companies aren't going to just eat all this extra cost. Brace yourself.
I started to feel like I had cold coming on yesterday cold chills. Took some vitamin C and Zicam yesterday morning still felt crappy yesterday evening before bed took some ivermectin went to bed. I didn’t feel like I ever had a fever but in the night I felt like a fever broke and I feel fine today. No idea if it was a cold, Covid or normal flu who knows never got tested. I have been vaxed. Take it for what it’s worth I’m no DR. I would suggest early Ivermectin treatment if you start feeling ill.
I started to feel like I had cold coming on yesterday cold chills. Took some vitamin C and Zicam yesterday morning still felt crappy yesterday evening before bed took some ivermectin went to bed. I didn’t feel like I ever had a fever but in the night I felt like a fever broke and I feel fine today. No idea if it was a cold, Covid or normal flu who knows never got tested. I have been vaxed. Take it for what it’s worth I’m no DR. I would suggest early Ivermectin treatment if you start feeling ill.
Agreed 100%
I do the same exact thing.
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I reffed at the annual 2 day holiday tournament last Wednesday and Thursday. One of the ref's came down with the flu on the 2nd day and then got tested and sure enough, he was positive for Covid. Not sure if he was vaccinated or not. So I woke up yesterday feeling like crap with a sore throat, headache, and body aches in my upper back. Starting taking lots of C, D, and Zinc with Quercetin. I'm feeling much better today. I take Emergence C before every tournament or dual meet I do where I will be interacting with the wrestlers. Feels like many colds I have had in the past except for the back aches. I am not vaccinated and it is ironic that the last time I did this tournament in 2019, I also got a nasty cold after it.

Bill Loser, I hope you and your wife are feeling better.

SD, I did that Google Search and it was funny and a bit sad at the same time.
How it hits each individual is no better than a coin flip - 50/50 chance you'll survive.

Don’t type at me in caps :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

But 50/50 survival rate. Me thinks that’s an exaggeration. Home prices would be falling because 1/2 the current population wouldn’t need above ground housing.
Don’t type at me in caps :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

But 50/50 survival rate. Me thinks that’s an exaggeration. Home prices would be falling because 1/2 the current population wouldn’t need above ground housing.
You obviously don’t understand how math works. There are only 2 options : 99% survival or 1% death. So it’s 50/50 that you get one of those two…
Lol... Seriously? I read 50/50 as the figure of speech it is... Bows point is that everyone's response to the virus is's a crap-shoot. OPPS... now someone is going to remind me there is no open season on crap!!
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I'm surprised it hasn't been censored yet. Another unbelievable Rogan interview. Dr Robert Malone. How in the f**k can this shit continue to be ignored and censored on such a grand scale. Our poor kids and grandkids will greatly suffer.
It's starting to get pulled down now. The one you posted is still active. What an eye opener! I watched the whole thing this morning. There's another important one over on Rumble that needs to be seen. It's quite the eye opener and sheds some light on how NYC was able to achieve such a high death rate vs the rest of the country and world. It's very well done, and easy to watch.

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Lol... Seriously? I read 50/50 as the term of speech it is... Bows point is that everyone's response to the virus is's a crap-shoot. OPPS... now someone is going to remind me there is no open season on crap!!

There is an open season on crap. It is called an election.

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Don’t type at me in caps :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

But 50/50 survival rate. Me thinks that’s an exaggeration. Home prices would be falling because 1/2 the current population wouldn’t need above ground housing.

I'm only using the above to bounce off of.....

The troubles with numbers are many. They are symbolic. They come on to the page as certainties. But, they are not - certain. Some are better than others. They must be interpreted and everyone has a context bias. It's a mess. Where you get the numbers you write about is troublesome. Some are assumptions derived from thin air. If you rely on media then the numbers might be right, but the media's presentation is mostly wrong. The headlines accompanying what you read or hear or likely phrased to drag you into the discussion - and to generate advertising revenue.

Look, for whatever it's worth, In my more youthful days I worked in (small-time) journalism and broadcasting. I write. I am published. I am a scientist. I read academic journals containing peer reviewed research. I like to think I can spot good science and bad science. I like to think I can separate 'news' with a bias and 'news' that's more balanced. Some of you will read that and think, "What a jackass!" Ok...

I am probably wrong about all of that, human nature being what it is.

I don't always agree with your contributions, but I've learned to give each thoughtful consideration. What I find troubling is some of what I will call bullying of those with different opinions. Most just leave this thread and/or the forum entirely. I've considered it. But, again, I've taken the time to re-evaluate and find all important to my understanding of many of life's events and experiences.

Bottom line for me is this - All the numbers, all the data about COVID we wrestle with are suspect. Call it crap if you wish. I do. I have no reservation about calling a rotten fish a rotten fish. Maybe 25 or 50 or 100 years from now there will be clarity. Maybe. But, we still have individual decisions to make. So, where do we turn for 'good' information to make those decisions. It'll be different for you than for me.

Enough. As we begin 2022 I want to take a moment to thank you, all of you for your posts in this thread. Writing is difficult. A lot of people can't put six words together to make an intelligent sentence. And then, to put five sentences together? You ALL do it well! I'm impressed and appreciative, memes aside.

Wishing each of you all the best under under difficult circumstances! Happy 2022!
You guys all keeping feed store ivermectin in your stashes? Just kind of a poll I guess.

My sister in law got notified this morn on the way to deliver her baby that she's Cov+. Nurses said 6 deliveries in the past 2 days were the same. No symptoms yet. My bro said covid has its benefits as they got to skip check-in and triage.

Bill Loser, how are ya feeling today?
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