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Funny the Meme's string in this linked article made me think of this thread here at Habitat. I could not help but chuckle.

You actually admitted to reading the Daily Kos? I didn't know that site existed anymore. A flashback to 20 years ago when I read Little Green Footballs.

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Odd, some of the guys that are pro-medical apartheid in this thread have only commented in this thread all year. Not a single post in any other thread in 2021.

Guys I’m guilty.
Christmas party at our house with the in-laws turned into a super spreader of sorts.

3 confirmed Rona cases that fit in line with our party.

Now let’s give real time on the ground statistics.

20 people total. 5 vaxed, 15 holdouts.

7 previously infected and healed. (1 of those vaxed once)

2 unvaxed, 1 vaxed, 0 previously infected.

Cases are mild in all three. I welcome them to the immune club. Again, Mild cases and everyone is getting better.

Hate to say this but “some people came to my house and some other people did something”

gave them a cold.
In my experience that is exactly what it is, a cold, and should be treated as one. We don’t need to treat it as an apocalypse.

It’s time to stop testing, if you are sick stay home, if you aren’t sick, why get tested, get your butt to work!
We are up-ending our economy and marching straight into communism for what is essentially a couple heavier than normal flu years. WTF is going on around hear the world has gone mad. This is the new normal government’s will never willingly relinquish their new found stick to keep the masses under control.
There's a lot here to digest and it gives me a belly ache! There's a lot of fact mixed up with opinion mixed together to promote some particular agenda. You don't understand science. You don't understand data. You have no grasp of the facts! And the debate is wonderful!

Wait! Wait! Sit back down. I have none of that either. I realized early on I don't, I just don't. I stopped posting in this thread...but I do read it, every one! It's quite entertaining. It gives me enough perspective to know I don't know and I don't know what I don't know. Will we ever know? I guess I'm of the opinion it won't in what remains in the few years I have left!

Truth? I apologize for the antiquity I'm about to offer in conclusion....
It goes back to the 1980's. Jimmy Carter was either President, or was running. There was this particular political cartoon in a newspaper. Paper newspaper.

George Washington, Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter were featured.

The words coming out of George Washington's mouth - "I cannot tell a lie!"
From Richard Nixon, "I cannot tell the truth!"
And, from a the wide toothy Jimmy Carter grin, "I cannot tell the difference!"

Best wishes for a happy(ier) 2022!
You don't understand science. You don't understand data. You have no grasp of the facts! And the debate is wonderful!

LOL. No I don’t. And my data has no impact on real world data. But it’s the data from my small world.:emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::emoji_thermometer_face:

And it’s an accurate depiction of my small world. Key word “accurate” you won’t get that many places.
We had the number on this one a year and a half ago already.

Absolutely nothing like government to make a bad situation turn into an absolute disaster with their helping.
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