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A mask only makes sense if it's the right kind of mask that will actually keep out the microscopic particles and the majority of masks that people are basically just hanging on and partially covering their face is not doing anything to protect them. A good tight fitting mask that seals around the perimeter of the mask and made of proper materials is the only kind of mask that works. N95---anything less is a waste of time. I don't think i've seen anyone in person or on tv wearing them for a couple of months.
I haven't kept up with how symptomatic Jimmy Johnson was (or wasn't) but PLENTY of folks have no symptoms or briefly have mild symptoms. My wife's a physician, I manage her practice, and we've had 3 of our employees with it now. One was completely asymptomatic and only got tested due to her boyfriend having it. The second also caught it from a boyfriend, with her worst symtpoms being, using her words a case of "the sniffles" lasting two days. She said she felt great again on day three. And finally we had one who who caught it from her husband and equated her case to a cold, with a severe headache on day 1 being the worst of her symptoms. Her husband got hit harder than she did and equated it to the flu, but even in his case he never went to the hospital and around day 5 he suddenly felt dramatically better (possibly due to my wife giving him a certain medication, but that's all I'm going to say about that).

Fascinatingly (to me at least) we have two employees who work in the same room with the person who had "the sniffles," and they sat in the same small room together much of one full day and even used the same phone repeatedly to call / talk with patients. We thought for sure that at least the two employees working with the sick employee would contract COVID, but they didn't.

Would add we test employee temps twice a day and none ran a fever.

So in all the cases we closely have witnessed, pardon the crude language but swapping spit sealed the deal.

Lest I seem too cavalier, I'm not a denier of the disease, nor want to downplay how horrible it is for those who die from it. That said each day scientists and doctors are better understanding it and what the generalizdd fear-mongering the main stream media should be nothing short of criminal. The disease mechanism is turning out to be far more of a vascular / clotting nature versus a pulmonary one as first believed, with most having healthy immunity systems being able to avoid major sickness, but with those having existing major health issues and supressed immunities susceptible to vascular damage in any of the major organs.

Bettrr understanding the disease should guide us to adapt policies to actually protect those at greatest risk, but instead we're letting the media and politicians use fear to drive policies, such as closing schools, ro hurt those at little risk.

I see it this way... New York Times recently shared 43% of deaths have taken place in nursing homes, so extract those and you're down to a death count not too far above annual flu. Extract out those of all ages who went in with major heatlh issues, and I bet you're left with a number lower than the flu... which bega the question would we dream of shutting schools for typical annual flu, or even mandate masks for flu... I'm growing more concernef by the day that those peddling excessive fear by means of media and social media may do exactly that.

i think this it right along the lines of what the experts are saying on how this is transmitted. Direct contact, saliva and being together for extended period of time close together The media of course has a different opinion and make it sound like you can catch it from a mile away. If people aren’t coughing, sneezing or doing the spit thing chances are you won’t get it. Lol. I would also say I’m seeing the same thing as far as people seeing that for the most part it’s a non event and aren’t as fearful as they were at the beginning. Protect those that need it. Protect yourself and life can go on quite normal actually.
A mask only makes sense if it's the right kind of mask that will actually keep out the microscopic particles and the majority of masks that people are basically just hanging on and partially covering their face is not doing anything to protect them. A good tight fitting mask that seals around the perimeter of the mask and made of proper materials is the only kind of mask that works. N95---anything less is a waste of time. I don't think i've seen anyone in person or on tv wearing them for a couple of months.
If you are passing some Covid positive, fat liberal, republican hating, smelly deplorable at the Walmart, don’t you want her wearing a mask? You are going to have a chance encounter of less than one second but she is coughing up virus. Because she is a fat liberal, republican hating, smelly deplorable at the Walmart during this encounter you walk as far around her fat ass as you can get. Because she has a mask on the virus is staying relatively close to her and not covering the isle as it would with no mask. You escape the encounter without acquiring the virus. Unfortunately, to make sure all these losers wear masks you also have to wear a mask. Just when you go into a store, and I bet you are in the Walmart for less than 10 minutes. They aren’t that bad when you only wear them for a few minutes. I bet you wear one for hours when you are bow hunting, spraying roundup, or doing drywall. Wearing a mask is the very least of the problems we are facing.
Michigan went full on masks as of Monday, even outdoors if other people are nearby. I really didn't expect upper Michigan to comply. Went to holiday gas station and was told to take a useless mask out of a tub that who knows how many people touched and put it on my face. Not happening, told them I have a self diagnosed medical condition called common sense. I'm pretty sure the clerk smiled under his mask as he says oh that works go ahead.

Second stop was ace hardware. Was looking for flagpole brackets. A friendly woman helped me find them but warned that the cashier couldn't check me out without a mask. As I got to the checkout I was told I needed to wear a mask, stated said medical condition and 2 guys in behind me had masks off within seconds.

Looking forward to my trip back up there this weekend to see how many others have caught the common sense.

It's one thing if a private owned biz requires them like menards did, once the dictator requires it i will not comply
Our brothers, fathers and grandfathers made the ultimate sacrifice by fighting and dying in wars in god forsaken places and we don't have the political will and can't deal with the small inconvenience to wear a stupid mask while in public to get this country moving again. You wear a mask to protect others not yourself. You don't have the right to get other people sick. For Christs sake we don't smoke on airplanes or restaurants any more. Your not allowed to drive drunk. Get it??? Everyone is an expert these days and knows more than scientists and doctors. Its depressing.
A65D2E20-8EB6-4E09-B384-4C7923A089BC.png I think it would help many understand why it should be people’s choice to mask or not. I wear my seatbelt because it’s the law, the seatbelt protects me, not anyone else. Masks work the same way.
This is the CDC’s guidance to follow in the case of a “pandemic of flu-like spreading disease in the US” just 3 short years ago in 2017. The only place it mentions wearing a mask is “the sick person should wear a mask”. It is not to protect others not infected unless you are working in close quarters with someone known to be infected, only then do they suggest a healthy person wears one. Too many people get their information from there TV and it’s part of the problem.
Pages 17 regarding masks and page 33-34 regarding school protocols.
Our brothers, fathers and grandfathers made the ultimate sacrifice by fighting and dying in wars in god forsaken places and we don't have the political will and can't deal with the small inconvenience to wear a stupid mask while in public to get this country moving again. You wear a mask to protect others not yourself. You don't have the right to get other people sick. For Christs sake we don't smoke on airplanes or restaurants any more. Your not allowed to drive drunk. Get it??? Everyone is an expert these days and knows more than scientists and doctors. Its depressing.
Like I said---common sense isn't so common. Thanks for proving my point. To wear a mask that will not stop the microscopic particles from passing through the mask material is pointless.
Our brothers, fathers and grandfathers made the ultimate sacrifice by fighting and dying in wars in god forsaken places and we don't have the political will and can't deal with the small inconvenience to wear a stupid mask while in public to get this country moving again. You wear a mask to protect others not yourself. You don't have the right to get other people sick. For Christs sake we don't smoke on airplanes or restaurants any more. Your not allowed to drive drunk. Get it??? Everyone is an expert these days and knows more than scientists and doctors. Its depressing.
Well... my wife is a Doctor, graduated at the top of her entire medical school class, entered one of the most difficult specialties possible, and... I can tell you without pause:

1) She, and the majority of her close MD friends, believe that the media has driven excessive fear versus actual education regarding those at true risk (those with comorbidities)
2) She, and the majority of her close MD friends, feel that the highest degree of protective focus should be on those actually high at risk versus the masses
3) She, and the majority of her close MD friends, without hesitation, believe that schools should reopen with students IN classrooms and all businesses open
4) She, as well as the majority of her close MD friends, feel that the disease has been "politically weaponized" in order to instill as much fear and chaos as possible until the election

And I'd only add they don't feel this way due to any political leanings but instead due to countless hours studying data as it is accrued.

Look at it this way -- there's no debate on existing serious health issues (cancer, diabetes, heart disease) being highly correlated with mortality, nor is there any debate that due to age the elderly develop more of these issues, with the New York Times FOR GOD SAKE (liberal as they come) publishing that 43% of deaths to date have been in nursing homes.

Soooo... if you exclude almost half the deaths as NOT being deaths among the general public living normal productive lives, then all of a sudden you're approaching numbers that closely correlate with flu. Go one step further and exclude the deaths outside nursing homes but that DID relate to serious health issues among those younger (morbid obesity, and again cancer, diabetes, and heart disease) and all of a sudden your numbers fall SHORT of annual average flu deaths....

Which then begs the question... does anyone want us all to keep wearing masks year after year after year regardless of a covid vaccine or not just to possibly keep others from getting sick with annual flu strains?

I sure DON'T, and having served think it could be argued that quite a few who've fought in battle did so with hopes that the bulk of the US citizenry wouldn't have to agree to loss of personal freedoms without at least being able to question the logic behind them.

And it's not that I'm dead set against masks... if this were the Spanish Flu of 1918 that had a mortality rate of 35% among HEALTHY YOUNG people ages 0-25, and 35% among HEALTHY people in their prime years between 25 and 65, it'd be a TOTALLY different story (and I can't even imagine how our snowflake society would function an iota through it unlike our much tougher ancestors). Instead, we're looking at a disease that takes advantage of those with weakened immune systems, and primarily among the elderly as with aging comes increased disease.

Hate to predict this, but for those who feel masks make sense even in light of all the above information, hope you're ready for the day that wearing a mask is an annual thing COVID or no COVID. I'll sure hate it for our children and die at whatever age I do thanking God I had a childhood in advance of 2020.
We have been mandatory masks in stores for 3months. You get use to it. It so stupid to argue over. I am out all day and my total mask wearing time is under 30 minutes. Some of my customers tell me I don’t need it and I take it off but inside mask is on. Yes the masks don’t stop all the virus from getting out. If you are close to someone for a long period of time you will probably get it but if you are passing someone in a store it does limit their virus blue print. That is fact and can not be argued. Save the arguments for the bs testing, lock downs, and quarantines.
We are under a mask mandate. About 50% wear them but most like me not so much. I’m not anti mask as they do help spread of any germ to some degree. I’ve worn masks for 40 yrs in my career as Hepatitis , Aids, TB , Staph , etc were/are a concern ,and wore a ventilator type mask when I worked at a rock quarry back in the day to prevent silicosis and in an asphalt plant. And the N95 mask is not new but developed early 70s for coal miners.
Less sealing Masks can Simply allow the germs to filter in w the air mass diluting the mass as opposed to a direct cough , sneeze , or clearing throat hack we all do. No different than a muddy stream emptying into a river and as it mixes w the clean water it becomes insignificant. Class 3 masks are sufficient for most.
So masks can help ...but hold on for a sec.
Now tell me how a mask makes me safe in a store when I have to touch the door, CCreader , touch the screen to approve the charge , touch all the items in the store already handled by others, etc?? Bull crap on the mask in the community for the most part. Wear them if us choose but it should be an individual decision unless we are scrubbing everything down as in an OR between each customer.
We just had our 100 death statewide and all were age and/ or health related. Been open for business since early May.
Btw I do worry of my car and make her wear a mask . Me? I’ll pass.


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Good grief......It should come as no surprise as to why some people dont want to listen to these assholes. This is all nothing but lies lies and more lies. Dr. Asswipe Fauci in Feb and March. "Mask are not necessary and the stuff coming from China is no threat." He downplayed corona more than anyone. And yet today he has completely changed his tune on both. He is supposed to be the EXPERT. He was the guy with gas can and the matches yet the media looks at him like a hero. And then you have fake news and govt agencies pulling bullshit like this. Its disgusting.

The testing and numbers are all suspect. You put a financial reward for hospitals to list patients as Covid positive, you are going to have corruption. Add to that the need to politicize to hurt Trump and I don’t believe most of it. The media is so corrupt you can’t believe anything they report on it. If Trump looses it all goes away just like all the Obama/FBI/Russia shit would have went away if Hillary won. However, I am still wearing a mask when I go in a store.
The testing and numbers are all suspect. You put a financial reward for hospitals to list patients as Covid positive, you are going to have corruption. Add to that the need to politicize to hurt Trump and I don’t believe most of it. The media is so corrupt you can’t believe anything they report on it. If Trump looses it all goes away just like all the Obama/FBI/Russia shit would have went away if Hillary won. However, I am still wearing a mask when I go in a store.
I don't think anyone is telling you not to wear, or that you can't/shouldn't wear a mask bud. I think the general consensus is the same, if you want to wear a mask, wear one. The problem I have is dictators like Cuomo that make rules like the new "have to order food at a bar." If healthy people don't want to wear them, it should be their choice. This new catch phrase about "me wearing a mask protects everyone else" is simply propaganda slogan to condition people in my opinion. It has nothing to do with safety of people and there is no data behind it prior to Covid and the data today also suggests Covid doesn't spread in riots and protests, but it certainly does at schools, Trump rallies and sporting events... malarky!
Poke around the internet for pre-Covid information on how masks only protect the wearer, even the CDC hailed the same advice prior to Covid even though Covid is believed to be spread exactly like a typical flu. The information is out there and accessible.
Just my 2 cents
You can have a peaceful protest(nothing peaceful about 99% of the protests) but you can't go to church. OK? Can have more people in a bar than in a church--OK? Don't want to reopen schools because we're putting our childs lives at risk--OK? Cry wolf enough and people will eventually catch on. Agenda=election results and misleading and blatantly leading the sheeple over the edge of the cliff while trying to fix/rig the next election. We are all pawns in the governments chess game.jmho
Now we are heading in the right direction. The mask debate just takes our eye of all the other horrible things they are trying to get away with.
This is a world wide pandemic. Are the rest of the nations of the world also trying to rig their elections? One ridiculous conspiracy theory after another. Where do you guys come up with this stuff??? Let me guess..Chuck Woolery. Thanks to great Americans like Chuck Woolery who profit off of a scared rum dums by spewing ever crazier conspiracy theories this country doesn't have the political will to agree on how to screw in a light bulb. Much less fight a global pandemic. Its sad and its tired and our enemies around the world are laughing their asses off. Is this what MAGA looks like?
The world is laughing at our liberals destroying cities, including Minneapolis, looting, painting Black Lives Matter on streets, shaming others on social media, changing names of Sports teams, wrecking statues, and running a candidate that thinks Arizona is a city, and supports defunding the police
This is a world wide pandemic. Are the rest of the nations of the world also trying to rig their elections? One ridiculous conspiracy theory after another. Where do you guys come up with this stuff??? Let me guess..Chuck Woolery. Thanks to great Americans like Chuck Woolery who profit off of a scared rum dums by spewing ever crazier conspiracy theories this country doesn't have the political will to agree on how to screw in a light bulb. Much less fight a global pandemic. Its sad and its tired and our enemies around the world are laughing their asses off. Is this what MAGA looks like?

Elections have tried to be rigged since there were elections. You can honestly say the media doesn’t do everything in their power to take Trump down. You need to stop watching CNN, and don’t say you don’t. Name one conspiracy theory in this thread over the last month other than somehow SD is getting a million dollars if some people die. Still not sure on that one. You probably still believe in Russia collusion, Hunter is a natural gas expert, China is our friend and not a threat, Covid can’t spread in a riot, and Biden is not banging his wife who he thinks is his sister, while he runs for senate in the city of Arizona, while 120 million people have died of Covid and another 750 million from gun violence. So yeah MAGA looks pretty damn good.
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