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I was thumbing through the internet this morning and came across an interesting take on the state of the game.

“What’s happening now is a spread of this serious medical condition to the whole population… The public is adopting a personality disorder … paranoid delusions, and irrational fear. It can happen with anything but here we see a primal fear of disease turning into mass panic. Once fear reaches a certain threshold, normalcy, rationality, morality, and decency fade and are replaced by shocking stupidity and cruelty. We find that whole communities suddenly fix their minds upon one object, and go mad in its pursuit; that millions of people become simultaneously impressed with one delusion, and run after it, till their attention is caught by some new folly more captivating than the first."

This makes me think back to the hysteria over toilet paper, masks, hand sanitizer, meat, and freezers. Soon after, the interweb loaded up with stories and videos of people melting down and raging at each other over mask compliance. With the flip of a switch, we suddenly all viewed one another as biological and economic enemies.
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What a complete piece of shit Fauci is. Cuomo and De Blasio were telling people to go out on the town and take in a show as late as March 9th. They had 500+ dead a day for weeks on end. Cuomo shoved all these old codgers back into the nursing homes to infect everyone else. The only reason things have slowed down in NYC is cause they likely have herd immunity. Correctly is a subjective term here. New York probably did do it CORRECTLY for Fauci and his handlers. They got exactly what they wanted.
I don't know how intentionally killing people wouldn't be under the category of murder. I guess the government wiping the slate clean of people that contributed to funding the corrupt government we have because they lived long enough to collect a very small portion of the money they are entitled to(social security) is acceptable in the usa. I must be missing something. Knowingly sending covid positive patients to nursing homes was absolutely a death sentence to the elderly. They knew full well what would happen and followed through with getting rid of our most precious citizens while being commended for doing it. These idiots in charge need to be voted out at the very least.
It is truly sad that its so easy these days to click through the internet and find reasons to support your underlying beliefs, no matter what they may be. Folks are so predisposed to search out validation that they ignore logic. Demonizing people who are doing their best in a worldwide crisis - because you don't agree with something they said or did at some point, and focusing on the bad, but ignoring the good. Just looking for reasons to weaponize outrage. I'm so glad that most of the people I come in contact with on a daily basis seem to be reasonable, competent individuals who are willing to talk about differences rather than simply spout dogma. Okay, rant over. Back to hiking in the ADK, kayaking tonight, and just enjoying life. Masks are a PITA, but it's about respect for others, that simple. And 99% of the people I see are onboard with it, for now, when appropriate in close circumstances. Most hikers have masks with them - in case of an emergency and somebody has to help them out. COVID would be a heck of a thank you to give somebody for getting you off the mountain if you sprained your ankle, for example.
Just the other day. California, Texas, Arizona and Florida had a COMBINED death total of 340. Media: deaths spike, cases spike deaths setting records across the South. A month ago New York posted 600 deaths in one day. Media and Cuomo: The worst is behind us, we’re very happy the numbers are so low, we’re now looking at reopening we’ve done such a good job. The Spin is making me very dizzy LOL.
First day at the Jersey Shore. Very happy to report the sub shop was packed and everyone was wearing a mask. More happy to report thousands of people at the beach and I saw one mask. Water was great, kids had a blast, felt great to see something normal for the first time in months.
Wait, so your saying that having more information available on the Interent for people to be able to make their own decisions is a sad thing? Is it not true that up to 4 causes can be listed on a death certificate and if any of those are listed as Covid thats counted as a dealh on the CDC? The flu is not tracked this same way. One thing for sure, this is not the regular flu and it's also not the Bubonic Plague. In my opinion we should be acting like its the flu and NOT the PLAGUE, but unfortunately we are not. THAT IS WHAT'S SAD!!!!!!
First day at the Jersey Shore. Very happy to report the sub shop was packed and everyone was wearing a mask. More happy to report thousands of people at the beach and I saw one mask. Water was great, kids had a blast, felt great to see something normal for the first time in months.

glad OC is like our beach. No masks. Stores yes, beaches no.
It is truly sad that its so easy these days to click through the internet and find reasons to support your underlying beliefs, no matter what they may be. Folks are so predisposed to search out validation that they ignore logic. Demonizing people who are doing their best in a worldwide crisis - because you don't agree with something they said or did at some point, and focusing on the bad, but ignoring the good. Just looking for reasons to weaponize outrage. I'm so glad that most of the people I come in contact with on a daily basis seem to be reasonable, competent individuals who are willing to talk about differences rather than simply spout dogma. Okay, rant over. Back to hiking in the ADK, kayaking tonight, and just enjoying life. Masks are a PITA, but it's about respect for others, that simple. And 99% of the people I see are onboard with it, for now, when appropriate in close circumstances. Most hikers have masks with them - in case of an emergency and somebody has to help them out. COVID would be a heck of a thank you to give somebody for getting you off the mountain if you sprained your ankle, for example.

I was at 4th lake last week. I only go up there every couple years and every time I feel guilty we are only 2 hours away and don’t go a lot more.
It is truly sad that its so easy these days to click through the internet and find reasons to support your underlying beliefs, no matter what they may be. Folks are so predisposed to search out validation that they ignore logic. Demonizing people who are doing their best in a worldwide crisis - because you don't agree with something they said or did at some point, and focusing on the bad, but ignoring the good. Just looking for reasons to weaponize outrage. I'm so glad that most of the people I come in contact with on a daily basis seem to be reasonable, competent individuals who are willing to talk about differences rather than simply spout dogma. Okay, rant over. Back to hiking in the ADK, kayaking tonight, and just enjoying life. Masks are a PITA, but it's about respect for others, that simple. And 99% of the people I see are onboard with it, for now, when appropriate in close circumstances. Most hikers have masks with them - in case of an emergency and somebody has to help them out. COVID would be a heck of a thank you to give somebody for getting you off the mountain if you sprained your ankle, for example.
Honest question.

Does the discovery of widespread and grossly false test data across hundreds of labs cause you any concern or reconsideration for the severity of the situation? As a scientist, do you think quality of data matters in forming a conclusion?
My sister in law lives in Florida. She and some friends signed up to get tested.
She went through with it because she is traveling and didn’t want to go if she was positive. The other women bailed on the test because the lines were to long. Sis in law tested negative. Her friends who weren’t tested received emails reporting them Positive....????

what’s that about?

I trust no one reporting anything in either side about this virus. No one!

NOTE: my post wasn’t political and didn’t attack anyone. It’s just a post about a COVID experience.
I see the FDA just ok’d pool testing. We’ll see how that goes. I know it will be better for our County as we’ve had 11,000 negative tests and less than 200 positive. Just no sense in wasting all those resources Individually.
Go back to page one. Buck called it in his first two posts.


We bicker, they laugh.
First day at the Jersey Shore. Very happy to report the sub shop was packed and everyone was wearing a mask. More happy to report thousands of people at the beach and I saw one mask. Water was great, kids had a blast, felt great to see something normal for the first time in months.

Don’t get too normal about it Chummer. They tried that in Clayton, Ny three weeks ago.The resultant eighteen cases brought the county total to well over 100 to date. Stay upwind, stay a cows length apart, stay safe and don’t bring any bad things home. And call it normal enough.
Don’t get too normal about it Chummer. They tried that in Clayton, Ny three weeks ago.The resultant eighteen cases brought the county total to well over 100 to date. Stay upwind, stay a cows length apart, stay safe and don’t bring any bad things home. And call it normal enough.
Upwind is funny. I am the only hunter in the group and tasked myself with picking our spot at the beach. I tried to explain to them that our spot would be picked based on the wind. Some days we would be up front some in the back, maybe to the right or left. Seemed like pretty simple logic to me but it blew their mind that wind was a thing. Other than lunch yesterday we will only be to the beach and back for the week. Everything else will be delivered.
Our lovely liberal town of Skaneateles where all the rich people of our county live on “Their Lake” have closed the only public swimming area due to covid. They site a gathering over Fourth of July where there were many swimmers without masks on. They say due to this gathering which “could have lead to unconfirmed cases of covid” can’t be allowed to happen again. They are locking out the rest of the county peasants from “Their Lake” because those poor unmasked people could have brought some corona with them. Mind you they have no proof that they did. If you don’t think this is being politicized at every level you are crazy. A bunch of rich residents found a way to keep their lake all to themselves. Meanwhile, I am at a place that needs the swimming area for the government survival so there are thousands of people swimming with no masks.
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