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Not ONE person has died in Florida under the age of 25... NOT A SINGLE ONE.

Thankfully, Gov Desantis hasn't given in to political pressure from the left and media, reminding them that the original primary driver for closures / distancing / etc, was to keep hospital beds from being filled, which he's made clear here in Florida hasn't happened, thus justifying measured reopening.

Having a young daughter, the thing that saddens (and angers) me is that kids have been so heavily impacted by school closures, will be bearing the burden for many years via taxes in the productive years, and statistically faced ZERO risk from the disease. I'm ashamed our society let this happen (and a fair number want it to continue).

And I should add the better half is a medical doctor and I manage her practice... we're NOT anti-science and have tracked data like hawks. It's just that the honest truth is that to date the virus has impacted mostly the aged who ALSO have had SIGNIFICANT comorbidities.

I’d love to invite your family to come fishing in NJ with us, big Tuna...

And take your kids to the beach and sit wherever you wanted. We could get some good food at some awesome restaurants.

But. Well. It happens to be illegal.
Instead we have new volunteer social distancing Ambassadors.

I personally can’t wait to meet SD ambassador that volunteered to remind me. ;)

exacty who volunteers to tell people to wear a mask and stay away?
But there is a line of them singing up to work for free?

Going to be an interesting summer.

10 weeks into being forced to wear a mask to buy milk. I need milk, but I’m really ready to give people the “finger”
Politicizing death. Do we really have to? Just remember, there's lies, damn lies, and statistics. As it turns out, the clearest driver of mortality rate is population density. That's on a county-by-county basis, independent of right or left leaning.
I don't see how it's anything other than political now.

We're amputating a leg to cure athlete's foot.
age by far and also inept Governor policies regarding nursing homes. I don’t know what statistics Knuhrke is reading. Florida is very populous but, not anywhere near the problems of these other States.
On an individual basis, age is predictive of outcomes. I'm talking about geographical representation though. As I said above, you can use statistics to "prove" just about anything - I use the same ones as everybody else, Johns Hopkins, Worldstats, Of course, 73.6% of statistics are made up lol. But overlay a map of deaths with one of population centers.


If age was the only factor, wouldn't all of Florida be dead by now? One thing's for certain. This virus doesn't pick and choose between Democrats and Republicans. IMHO, if you're in a harder-hit area, you're more likely to lean toward a cautious response. If you're in an area that hasn't seen much activity, you prioritize your response differently. Experience molds our responses, unsurprisingly, as does the phenomenon of internet reverb - you are who you listen to. Given that the population centers tend to lean Democrat, this results in a correlation between political affiliation and mortality. It doesn't help that NYC is the epicenter.

As for the masking: AD ambassadors? Okay, that's got to be a joke, right? There are some folks who are so afraid of this thing that they ignore the fact that it is not a malevolent being. It's a virus. It plays by rules. I'm in favor of masks when you're in a situation where you could expose someone unknowingly - because we all know by now that masks are only meant to protect other people from you - but outside? Or in your car? That's taking a dive off the deep end. Logic tells us that we should only take precautions when they are impactful. Otherwise, and I keep singing the same tune, it's like crying wolf. Eventually, folks won't want to listen to even reasonable guidance because they're tired of being told what to do.
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I’d love to invite your family to come fishing in NJ with us, big Tuna...

And take your kids to the beach and sit wherever you wanted. We could get some good food at some awesome restaurants.

But. Well. It happens to be illegal.
Instead we have new volunteer social distancing Ambassadors.

I personally can’t wait to meet SD ambassador that volunteered to remind me. ;)

exacty who volunteers to tell people to wear a mask and stay away?
But there is a line of them singing up to work for free?

Going to be an interesting summer.

10 weeks into being forced to wear a mask to buy milk. I need milk, but I’m really ready to give people the “finger”

As of now we are still coming to the Shore third week of July. There will be 8 of us. We will bring a football. We will lay in the sun. We will swim in the water. We will eat out or order in the majority of our meals. Every year we worry about (for one second)breaking the no drinking on the beach law, this year we will have to worry about the mask law. Hopefully your governor wises up some before July. The house we are staying at didn’t want a deposit so I think they are fearing the worse. We will have 4 girls from age 11 to 15. This has hit this age group very hard. No one even talks about the long term effects of cutting them off from society. My 14 year old went from playing basketball 5 days a week to not being allowed to go to the grocery store with me. The fact they are considering not opening school next year shouldn’t even be an option. Hopefully this will lead to some of these mentally challenged, arrogant, pompous, tyrant politicians looking for work in November.
As of now we are still coming to the Shore third week of July. There will be 8 of us. We will bring a football. We will lay in the sun. We will swim in the water. We will eat out or order in the majority of our meals. Every year we worry about (for one second)breaking the no drinking on the beach law, this year we will have to worry about the mask law. Hopefully your governor wises up some before July. The house we are staying at didn’t want a deposit so I think they are fearing the worse. We will have 4 girls from age 11 to 15. This has hit this age group very hard. No one even talks about the long term effects of cutting them off from society. My 14 year old went from playing basketball 5 days a week to not being allowed to go to the grocery store with me. The fact they are considering not opening school next year shouldn’t even be an option. Hopefully this will lead to some of these mentally challenged, arrogant, pompous, tyrant politicians looking for work in November.

As of right now we are not opening this summer. But many are, the small network of guest houses and B&B’s that I keep up with are very very slow with lots of openings for the summer. Almost unheard of in late May. By this time of year they would be booked for the entire summer. You should be able to find someplace. Hopefully by July some normalcy has returned.

The weather wasn’t the best but this Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial shore summer kickoff. Don’t know what the news will report but it was/is bleak for the businesses that could open.

I hear you on the young ones. One day my son was at college doing all that goes with that, the next he was on the couch at home.

on the bright side he got a $2 raise at his summer job working in the grocery store Deli. Hazard pay....
Sorry I didn’t get more or better pics, maybe tomorrow. This is a walking only shopping area on one of the busiest pre summer seashore days every year. Store owners we’re “(Allowed)”. To put a yard sale table in front of their door and pray. (For the first time in months.)

Normally the store would have been packed with trinket buyers. What a disaster, this was the opening of the 10 week busy season that makes or breaks you.

Prognosis isn’t good.

We going into 5th wk of gradual opening. Hatfield-McCoy Trail , whitewater rafting opened last Thursday and everything immediately booked. Roads packed w people coming n from NC , SC. , PA , NY , OH , KY TN. SP lodges open for state residents only w 30% discount. Restaurants open 50% capacity going to 75% this wk. Gyms, spas , salons open.
My dad needs a surgery done but will try to postpone as no visitors n hospitals yet.
Inf rates sub 2% since opening early May. My business has boomed since opening 3 wks ago I think in part as people are scared of another shitdown. I have refused to watch any but local news. National News is a depressing bunch of agenda bull crap. Stay safe.

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Congress Hall. Most famous hotel in town. 3 restaurants. No customers
Inn of Cape may. Oldest hotel in the US 1 restaurant. No customers
The Main stay. Famous B&B. Porch should be busy. No customers

Downtown shopping. This weekend should be shoulder to shoulder.

hot dog Tommy’s. I’ve never ordered a hot dog. The line is always to long. Usually a block and a half for a $5 hot dog.

I ate one today.

hope I live. No hand cleaner but I ate it anyway
hope I live. No hand cleaner but I ate it anyway

Some days a guy just needs to live dangerously...

That's a sad group of pictures Bill.

As for the tuna fishing, we did that last year off of the outer banks, that was a lotta fun.
You left $4 of food on the plate. What are the present beach rules. Are you allowed to set up chairs and sit there without a mask?
You left $4 of food on the plate. What are the present beach rules. Are you allowed to set up chairs and sit there without a mask?

not sure for OC.
You can go on the beach and sit. No swimming yet. ?no clue why. Families are asked to distance.

I’m not sure about masks on the beach. I haven’t headed out there but on my walk the only time I wore one was to order the hot dog.

I was trying to meet a social distancing ambassador to ask them why.

We have a very large unauthorized gathering this evening in Minneapolis. I wonder if Walz is gonna call out the national guard. NOBODY is social distancing, nobody is staying home, and a bunch of people are not wearing mask. You are free to break the law in Minneapolis tonight.....or at least every window in the third precinct.

Notice the woman wearing the plastic bag but still has bare arms and legs exposed.
Alternate agenda
We are open back up here in SW AR - with he exception of schools and bank lobbies. I have been to the dentist, the back Dr, got my hair cut, and had a sit down meal in a restaurant. Pretty much normal here
I was in two local stores this evening. The local fleet supply and coburns grocery. I dont see any way the fleet supply makes it with the pathetic amount of traffic. It really is a nice little store too. I bought some fishing jigs and a new chain for my chainsaw. The grocery store is knocking it out of the park. 90% of the people I saw were not wearing a mask. I only saw one old fart wearing a mask and the other 10-12 werent.
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