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It is much worse then the media is showing. I find it funny, the local media calls them protestors, with some doing violent crimes. It is full blown chaos there! There is no leadership, there is no law, they are all told to leave and back down. These thugs can do anything they want, with no repercussions. They took a bad situation, that was all about this George guy, and made it into a bunch of criminal activity, stealing, burning buildings, beating up people on the streets, robbing anyone who dares be outside.

At this point, unless the locals decide to start defending themselves, and protecting their own property, and lives, this wont stop! The governor said the National guard is coming in, but they will be unarmed, and only there to get emergency crews in and out safely to rescue any injured people. They will not be out there to stop any crimes.
The white crew was in the wrong place too,.. they were asked to move. I am not race baiting I am pointing out the difference.

If you think there isn't a difference in how the races are treated you are blind.

That cop should have been arrested a long time ago, until he is I hope they continue to fight. If I were there I would fight too. PS I am white.

That officer who killed the guy had over a dozen excess use of force complaints against him. This is a systemic issue it is not just a few bad apples.

Three cops held the guy down while he was choked to death and pleaded for his life. A fourth guarded them from the crowd.

This is not a few bad guys in the force.

Arresting the media is just a continuation of the wrongs going on there,.. whether they are FOX news or NBC.
It's common for criminals to complain about officers using force. Just saying.

Let all the information come out. Looks bad for the police this time, but I still don't think we know everything yet. I also heard he died of cardiac arrest. Does it make it true because I heard that? No. Let all the facts come out.
It's common for criminals to complain about officers using force. Just saying.

Let all the information come out. Looks bad for the police this time, but I still don't think we know everything yet. I also heard he died of cardiac arrest. Does it make it true because I heard that? No. Let all the facts come out.
We need all of the facts. For all we know he took a whole bunch of drugs prior to being arrested so he wouldn't get busted for them. That kind of thing is common. The police were without a doubt in the wrong.

EVERY single person that is taking part of the riot should be thrown in jail right along with the cops. They are breaking the law there is punishment that needs to be dealt out. They could end this riot VERY fast if they were actually allowed to. I hope all of the people that have sustained damages are going to sue the city of Minneapolis for allowing this riot to continue.
When the English put their boot on the throat of our early colonies,.. the Patriots did not run around with signs and protest. They took up arms, fought and burned stuff.

Today, two CNN crews were filming in the rubble,.. the white crew was asked politely to move away. The black crew was arrested. The black crew was doing what the free press do,.. reporting on what is happening there, their constitutional right. They were filming live and doing nothing wrong but yet were arrested?

Those Minneapolis folks who see a man choked to death like that are no different than our early patriots fighting for an obvious right. Sad thing is this has been going on for 100 years its just the cameras everywhere today that bring it to light. No camera there and this would not be a story in the news.

Sure there are jerks looting and doing stupid stuff,.. but what is occurring over there is clear as day to me.

If people in my town were getting choked to death (white or black) in my town square here in New England you bet I would be looking to "speak up" about it.

Of course,.. there will always be those that side with the King of England,..

Are you serious, I bet you will feel different if these looters and idiots burned your house down? How about your business? Stupid liberal Governor and Mayor let it happen, they will be sued for damages, by the business owners and the insurance companies. What a mess.
It's common for criminals to complain about officers using force. Just saying.

No,.. this guy had 18 complaints,.. most officers,.. and I know several have none,.. zero.

It is a systemic problem ingrained for many years,.. that only will be solved when the shit hits the fan,..

Bwoods,.. of course I would not be happy if protesters burned my house down,..

And yes I am serious,.. If a armed force was choking to death people begging for their life in my town square here in New England,.. I would rise up and cause some real trouble,.. most I know here would join me. Just like we did in the colonial era.

Maybe it's a New England thing,.. I don't know? We don't take kindly to that sorta @#$%^

Not really sure why anyone would ?
B Bowman---so you would burn houses, destroy police buildings and start fires if someone died from police brutality in your home area? Wow, good to know. I choose to avoid prison... that is a crime that could get you locked up for life.
B Bowman---so you would burn houses, destroy police buildings and start fires if someone died from police brutality in your home area? Wow, good to know. I choose to avoid prison... that is a crime that could get you locked up for life.
And should get you locked up for life. We don't need that kind of mentality out in society.
So is the Rona over?
Been hiding out in the tractor listening to old hunting podcasts the past couple weeks. Kind of amazing how cities can burn down but be blissfully unaware if one chooses to shut off the tv/radio.

And the world keeps turning.
Or should I say wheels.
It sounds cliche, but it's amazing how much of the rest of the BS i worry about when I'm spending time with my kids or on a tractor. Life's better that way.

A full tank of fuel in the tractor and a day with no phone calls is bliss.


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Pretty sure cops don't randomly arrest and need to kneel on random people for fun. Im sure it was provoked and await the details. Until then I just hope they don't destroy their town to much that they start moving outward. Best part of big cities imo is they keep the trash residents mostly contained within.
The white crew was in the wrong place too,.. they were asked to move. I am not race baiting I am pointing out the difference.

If you think there isn't a difference in how the races are treated you are blind.

That cop should have been arrested a long time ago, until he is I hope they continue to fight. If I were there I would fight too. PS I am white.

That officer who killed the guy had over a dozen excess use of force complaints against him. This is a systemic issue it is not just a few bad apples.

Three cops held the guy down while he was choked to death and pleaded for his life. A fourth guarded them from the crowd.

This is not a few bad guys in the force.

Arresting the media is just a continuation of the wrongs going on there,.. whether they are FOX news or NBC.

Not blind, I have seen plenty in my lifetime. I know a few cops and they have impossible jobs. You think it is easy to deal with the shit they do you should sign up. You don’t just arrest a cop, this was accelerated, they are a protected class and burden of proof is very high. Very liberal city so if it could have been done sooner it would have been. Supporting cops doesn’t make you racist but rioting does make you a thug and a criminal. These cops broke the law and will be prosecuted that is how the system needs to work. There is no place in the system for rioting. Condoning it makes you part of the problem.
I don't know that anyone is sticking up for the cop if what was shown in the video is in any sense of the context it appears to be.

But burning down a Target is not helping the cause, or helping change the racial stereotypes (as immoral as they may be) that are out there.
B Bowman---so you would burn houses, destroy police buildings and start fires if someone died from police brutality in your home area? Wow, good to know. I choose to avoid prison... that is a crime that could get you locked up for life.

Really? Having trouble finding that in my post ? ,..
I get it, but read the tread title.
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