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King Cuomo is allowing us to open up a little. His arrogance and righteousness is of monumental proportions. While he has given us permission to leave our houses now he made it clear if we get the virus it is our fault. He realized he is loosing control and the lockdown was ending one way or another. Just had to throw that in there that we are stupid for wanting to leave our houses and if we all die he was right. At the same time hedging his bets saying if reopening works his actions are what made it possible. What a douche canoe.
I don't know where you get your information, but I will respectfully correct your illusion that there wasn't a HUGE discussion nationwide on the merits of wearing masks, with guidance as to whether it was impactful or not. Science certain DID NOT "just get around to telling us yesterday". In point of fact, we - as scientists and medical professionals - have been touting the facts since day one. Non-N95 masks protect OTHER people from you. They aren't for your benefit. This has been made clear time and time again. Moreover, N95 masks are only 95% effective. Hence, even they are not fully protective. So, deadly negligence just doesn't even come close. In fact, it is such as distortion of the truth that I can't fathom how you would write that. Sorry, but honestly? You just triaged yourself. How is one supposed to engage in a valid argument, when facts become fluid?

I've said this many times on multiple forums, but let me be clear here: masks are for other people's protection!!! That's why doctors wear them in surgery. Wear them when you can't social distance, if you care about whether you might make other folks sick. If you want to protect yourself, stay home. Otherwise, practice distancing and wash your hands frequently. This is stuff I can cite in my sleep, since it's what we've said since day one.

Here's a link to one of many, many articles on the subject, dated in this case April 9th:

Deadly negligence or willful ignorance? Hmmm....
How would anyone know that? Any expert that tried to raise questions or join the conversation about the effectiveness of masks, the merits of isolating healthy people, or any questioning of the orthodoxy was boxed out of the conversation. I'm not challenging what you've said about masks. I'm pointing out the shift in state narrative.

The whole country has been in a hysteria trying to buy or make masks. Doom, doom, doom. That's been the drumbeat every day. Opportunists popped up overnight selling hastily imported KN-95 masks, from who knows where, to people who thought they were going to be safe if they could just get their hands on these. Facebook is full of people connecting people trying to find these things. The rush to masks was not about individual's focus on protecting others.

Forgive me for being a little surprised that state media has finally acknowledged masks won't protect you. Vulnerable people have put themselves in vulnerable positions on changing narratives. Another explanation why the narrative was wrong, followed by an explanation, while despite being wrong, claiming the next statement coming out of the same person's mouth is supposed to be believed. It would be lunacy to not question the credibility of our intellectual betters who have been wrong every step of the way.
There was a big debate over masks and a reluctance from many corners to start recommending masks. Studies showing how many people can be asymptomatic and infectious is what "changed the narrative". That lead to the conclusion that the benefit of wearing a mask outweighed the negatives and the recommendation to wear a mask to keep from infecting others when you could not social distance.

You have the option to make a decision about whether masks are good idea based on the benefits and risks. Or discount it solely because you won't trust any recommendations.
Who came up with the magic 6' distancing? How about if there is a slight breeze or air current? How far will this world ending disease fly through the air? I can make up false statements also. We've been mislead and lied to the entire time---don't think that's going to change anytime soon if ever. That's my opinion.
Who came up with the magic 6' distancing? How about if there is a slight breeze or air current? How far will this world ending disease fly through the air? I can make up false statements also. We've been mislead and lied to the entire time---don't think that's going to change anytime soon if ever. That's my opinion.
Uhh...okay. Respectfully, I think your opinion is naive. Nearly every safety recommendation since the beginning of time is an estimate based on best evidence available. For you to disdain and marginalize experts because their guidance isn't precise is simply mind-boggling. Six feet isn't magic. It's a reasonable number that's agreed upon for clarity. Like, "children should stay three feet away from the fire". I guess the real number depends on how big of fire we're talking about. Details matter.

Okay, forget it. If this is the level at which the discussion needs to occur...well, ain't nobody got time for that. I need advice on habitat management, and since I'm no expert and don't want to piss anybody off on this board, I need to keep my frustration in check.
It amazes me that so many people fault the US government for their decision making during these times yet they seem to ignore the full picture that it wasn't just out country that called for shutdowns and other measures, it was damn near the entire world that did so.
Today is a wonderful day! I am moving on. I'd like to thank the cover-19 virus, the politicians, the scientist, the health 'experts', the pundits, the opinionated, big pharma, those that have been doing all the modeling on the virus , --- all those that have been pontificating about what it is, how we should change, what we should wear, how close we should stand, holding us responsible for others health, who should work, generating worldwide fear, anxiety, frustration, worry, panic, separation, mandates...damn its a long list that keeps going.

I am thru with you all. I am thrilled to be moving on realigning my focus on joy, health and creativity and all the things that enhance that. I fully realize the toll you are taking on humanity and I refuse to give you anymore energy.

What I have realized is throughout it all hardly anyone is focusing on what the ultimate solution is and in fact are generating emotions, belief systems, and focus that exacerbates the problem. The worldwide solution is to do everything within our power to bolster and strengthen our phenomenal immune system and capture the unlimited power of our minds to create, and heal. How about we take personal responsibility for our health vs. looking to the govt., big pharma or anything outside ourself for solutions?

Does fear, anxiety, stress, or worry or allowing ourself be controlled against our will strengthen our immune system which is fully capable of defending us from viruses, heart disease, cancer, and all sorts of illness. No.
Does a crappy western diet strengthen us against virus and disease. No.
Is anyone talking about what we can do as individuals to create vibrant personal health that is proven as the best defense against this virus and a host of modern maladies? I see very little of that.

While its been a good lesson to learn from I'm moving on to creating abundance, joy, health, and celebration of life.
I wish all the people that think this is a hoax could experience having to respond to someone with the symptoms and having to treat them whilwe hoping you don't get it or take it home to your family.Funny I was reading the post 100 pages ago on this thread and it was so what only 1000 people have died world wide,guess that changed some.I hate to see what this has done to the economy.But the thousands of families that have had loved ones die probably feel like they suffered a bigger loss.Some areas are no doubt slowing down but the areas that haven't had clusters most likely will as you can seeing it closing in on the midwest and the rural areas.Stay at home did just what they hoped it would in most cases and that was to prevent a complete break down of the medical system in those areas.We can't cure the cold or the flu but we have prevented another influenza like in early 1900s and controlled measles and smallpox,polio so if we can get a vaccine for this it could be a game changer and make it comparable to these past diseases.Stay safe
I wish all the people that think this is a hoax could experience having to respond to someone with the symptoms and having to treat them whilwe hoping you don't get it or take it home to your family.Funny I was reading the post 100 pages ago on this thread and it was so what only 1000 people have died world wide,guess that changed some.I hate to see what this has done to the economy.But the thousands of families that have had loved ones die probably feel like they suffered a bigger loss.Some areas are no doubt slowing down but the areas that haven't had clusters most likely will as you can seeing it closing in on the midwest and the rural areas.Stay at home did just what they hoped it would in most cases and that was to prevent a complete break down of the medical system in those areas.We can't cure the cold or the flu but we have prevented another influenza like in early 1900s and controlled measles and smallpox,polio so if we can get a vaccine for this it could be a game changer and make it comparable to these past diseases.Stay safe

so the stay at home did what it was supposed to and the medical system didn’t break. The economy broke. So what’s your plan now? From now to the end of the year. From now on? Unless you have a plan, the stay at home was nothing more than kicking The can down the road. How many lives have been permanently ruined. Millions. That’s got to count.
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Uhh...okay. Respectfully, I think your opinion is naive. Nearly every safety recommendation since the beginning of time is an estimate based on best evidence available. For you to disdain and marginalize experts because their guidance isn't precise is simply mind-boggling. Six feet isn't magic. It's a reasonable number that's agreed upon for clarity. Like, "children should stay three feet away from the fire". I guess the real number depends on how big of fire we're talking about. Details matter.

Okay, forget it. If this is the level at which the discussion needs to occur...well, ain't nobody got time for that. I need advice on habitat management, and since I'm no expert and don't want to piss anybody off on this board, I need to keep my frustration in check.
Thanks for clearing that up. If you don't have an answer just say so. It was a question asking why 6'? Anything proven or is it like the order to stay at home is just because someone said so? I don't really care to lose my rights because some people want to take them from me. Sorry for questioning the authorities who have dropped the ball big time.
I really doubt if anyone has all the answers since it hasn't happened in modern times,do you think your answers are right?I guess you are willing to be your families lives on it.I don't have the answers but it isn't a hoax and I have had a friend die from it.
So what’s your plan? I’m not looking for answers to solve the virus. I would just like to know what people’s plans are. Stay at home forever? Right now I see 2 options. Stay in your house for 1-2 years or go about Your business in this world. If there is another option I haven’t heard. What’s your plan? Right now Andrew Cuomo is perplexed. New cases are popping up from people who were staying inside doing the stay at home, only going out when absolutely necessary. He can’t figure it out. The virus will get to you one way or another. Cuomo’s perplexed but, it doesn’t take a scientist to know staying in your house under arrest isn’t going to save you. People are opening their eyes and seeing what’s really going on. I’ll give you a hint, what do the 10 States that are continuing the stay at home orders or worse have in common.
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I really doubt if anyone has all the answers since it hasn't happened in modern times,do you think your answers are right?I guess you are willing to be your families lives on it.I don't have the answers but it isn't a hoax and I have had a friend die from it.

as far as I know in all the States that are opening there is no requirement whatsoever for you to participate. Only those willing can do so.
Thanks for clearing that up. If you don't have an answer just say so. It was a question asking why 6'? Anything proven or is it like the order to stay at home is just because someone said so? I don't really care to lose my rights because some people want to take them from me. Sorry for questioning the authorities who have dropped the ball big time.
Funny, I reread your post and don't see a question asking why six feet. I see a question regarding who said six feet, then a bunch of anti-science ranting. I'm calling BS. Please, feel free to question the decision-makers. I'm not a fan of the shut-down myself. But don't blame those of us who are trying to provide guidance based on facts that can be used for decision making purposes. We don't make the decisions. If you don't like what the experts say, then crown yourself an expert and believe your own opinion. It's the cool thing to do now. I just love how people are willing to bash expert guidance without offering alternatives. This isn't a general rant - I've seen some very well-informed and thoughtful opinions presented on this forum. But I've also seen some anti-science rhetoric. I get that everybody wants science to have all the answers. And that when it doesn't, they discount its value. Which is alarming to me, and should alarm anyone who values logical thinking and evidence-based decision making. Please, criticize away. But don't body slam because you don't like the message. Again, we don't make the rules. We're not economists, and we can't tell you how to balance your priorities. But when somebody tells you that you shouldn't lick doorknobs or you'll get sick, and you say, "How many doorknobs, and who came up with that?" well...that's just frustrating. Lick away.
Funny. Who said anything about licking doorknobs? Asked where they came up with 6 feet distancing guidelines---never mind. Simple explanation would be suffice.
I have a question that I think is on everyone's minds.

In the beginning, the idea was to shut down for a couple weeks, to get ahead of the spread, let hospitals get some equipment ready, and slow the curve, so not to have a large influx of patients going into the ICU. Never was it about preventing people from getting it, just prolonging it. Here we are 2 months out, a lot of governors want to stay closed, because it may spread more, it was never about that! It is going to spread, it is going to take out some with weak immune systems. Shutting down was never about preventing that. People with weak immune systems are going to die, whether it be from Covid-19, the flu, cancer, heart attack, old age, any any of the other thousands of illnesses out there. Those people need to always be cautious.

The question I think is on everyones mind is why keep everyone locked up, to destroy the economy of the world, bankrupt millions of people, just to delay the spread, being this was never a prevention, only meant to delay the outcome. Here we are over 2 months later, and all we have accomplished is wrecked the world economy, and caused many millions of peoples life work to be shattered, and bankrupt. I think most people would shut down for 6 months, if it meant a cure, and people wouldnt die after that. But when there is very little light at the end of the tunnel for a cure, or vaccine, and the death rate isnt anywhere near what was preached to us, it just doesnt make sense to continue to stay locked up.

This is just my thoughts, but if this is going to spread, no matter what we do, and 2% of the population will die in 2 years if we live normal lives, or 1% if we stay locked up for 2 years until maybe a vaccine is ready, but the world economy is destroyed, that is a hefty price. The side effect is, this is taking out the people with weak immune systems, and the elderly, so in reality in a couple years after this passes, there will be less deaths over all because there will be less people with weak immune systems.

We have seen the Cliff Clavin theory

The Buffalo Theory as told by Cliff Clavin: No one can explain this as well as Cliff Clavin, on Cheers. One afternoon at Cheers, Cliff Clavin was explaining the Buffalo Theory to his buddy Norm. and here's how it went:

"Well ya see, Norm, it's like this... A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members.

"In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, as we know, kills brain cells. But naturally it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first.

In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. That's why you always feel smarter after a few beers."
Statement should read, "if you lick doorknobs, you MIGHT get sick" I never wash my hands unless they are visibly dirty. Sorry, not sorry. I have indirectly licked thousands of doorknobs and toilet seats and still havent had it cause a problem. Unless you consider a strong immune system a problem.
I have a question that I think is on everyone's minds.

In the beginning, the idea was to shut down for a couple weeks, to get ahead of the spread, let hospitals get some equipment ready, and slow the curve, so not to have a large influx of patients going into the ICU. Never was it about preventing people from getting it, just prolonging it.

no politics or science in my post. But what you said here is exactly what I remember being told by the politicians and scientists. “Two Weeks To Slow The Spread”

AND as a very important side note, I’ve left this thread live because in the beginning I thought people needed an outlet as this is something none of us has ever experienced. I continue to let it run for the same reason. I’ve looked past some things I normally wouldn’t and won’t in other threads.

If anyone doesn’t like the thread, please stop reading.
You do not hear much about "Operation Warp Speed" in the liberal media. It is a very aggressive vaccine development program implemented by the Trump administration with many of the best medical facilities in the US working together. Credit where credit is due!
You do not hear much about "Operation Warp Speed" in the liberal media. It is a very aggressive vaccine development program implemented by the Trump administration with many of the best medical facilities in the US working together. Credit where credit is due!
Unfortunately there will not be anywhere close to enough time to have a clue what the side effects will/could be.
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