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Wife keeps bugging me for strawberries. Aren’t they a major PITA and they only last a couple years?
Just grin and jump right on it, buy all the best soil amendments available and in two years you will have a great planting bed to convert to fruit or nut grafted rootstocks. And if you make her a new raised garden bed every year like a good husband should you will be expanding your tree nursery at the same time. Win-Win.
Just grin and jump right on it, buy all the best soil amendments available and in two years you will have a great planting bed to convert to fruit or nut grafted rootstocks. And if you make her a new raised garden bed every year like a good husband should you will be expanding your tree nursery at the same time. Win-Win.
That is a good plan. I remember as a kid my great aunt would hire me to weed her strawberry patch. I would get a few bucks and it would take a couple days every time she called. Last years raised bed is about to be a new home for 20 grafted rootstock so there is justification for another box. Not like I have anything else to do while on lock down.
That is a good plan. I remember as a kid my great aunt would hire me to weed her strawberry patch. I would get a few bucks and it would take a couple days every time she called. Last years raised bed is about to be a new home for 20 grafted rootstock so there is justification for another box. Not like I have anything else to do while on lock down.
Maybe you might do three beds instead; sounds like inertia may be lacking during your lock down period. Us retired people have to fight that all the time. The way it works is if you put in a ten hour day today it is likely the same or more activity will occur tomorrow. Conversely if you put in a two hour day today, tomorrow is likely to be even less productive. So get in the high energy groove, get inertia in your favor and heck do the whole lawn in gardens tomorrow!
Maybe you might do three beds instead; sounds like inertia may be lacking during your lock down period. Us retired people have to fight that all the time. The way it works is if you put in a ten hour day today it is likely the same or more activity will occur tomorrow. Conversely if you put in a two hour day today, tomorrow is likely to be even less productive. So get in the high energy groove, get inertia in your favor and heck do the whole lawn in gardens tomorrow!

She is already disgusted about the number of apple trees that have magically made it into the back yard. I did mention a box to go down one side of the deck I built. I can make that happen pretty easy. We got a new puppy two days ago so there goes most of my free quarantine time. I forgot how much work these damn things are. I have 25 Midwest crabapple left to plant. Planning on Tuesday and I will have all my planting done before the black flies come out. Major win on that front.
Chummer, Sounds like a major planting has been underway.
That is a good plan. I remember as a kid my great aunt would hire me to weed her strawberry patch. I would get a few bucks and it would take a couple days every time she called. Last years raised bed is about to be a new home for 20 grafted rootstock so there is justification for another box. Not like I have anything else to do while on lock down.
This is what I am shooting for
Bite the bullet and build it Chummer; happy wife happy life. Order some strawberries and tell her to knock herself out. Got to have some concessions...

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I was in Menards in Hutchinson, MN today. It was BUSY for a Monday morning. They had signs by the entrance to the contractors area that said to use the main entrance only for Covid 19 safety reasons. This old fart limped in through that entrance with two meth heads. You could tell he was hurting, and they wanted to get to the garden center on that end of the store. The cashier started telling them that they had to walk out and use the main entrance. Then a couple people in line for the checkout wearing mask and shit started yelling at them. The lady in front of me pulled her mask down and started yelling at them. Then she took off her glasses and rubbed all over her face in disgust. I assume she just transferred all the germs in the world to her face (lotta good the mask did).

Meanwhile the cashier and these other 3 are still going at it. Finally the one chick looks at everyone and says, "you are all fcuking idiots!!! The virus doesn't give a fcuk what door I walked in!! Either we have it or we dont." The old guy says, "I got a bad hip and I cant get my fcuking surgery done, I am walking through here, and would like to see one of you assholes stop me!!" It was a real source of amusement for me. Even though they were the kind of people I generally dislike they had a point. What difference did it make what door they walked in??
Chummer, Sounds like a major planting has been underway.

Not too much. I transplanted a bunch of stuff of the other property before I sell it. 20 or so apples and about the same # of spruce.
I like that plan. Do you still only get strawberries for a week in June? Do they have some that produce all year yet? I wonder if I could crow bar in some peppers after the berries are done.
All different varieties. I am doing these

They have these that produce may to august
Judge in Southern Illinois just put a halt to our Governor's stay at home order extension set to go in effect on May 1st.
I was in Menards in Hutchinson, MN today. It was BUSY for a Monday morning. They had signs by the entrance to the contractors area that said to use the main entrance only for Covid 19 safety reasons. This old fart limped in through that entrance with two meth heads. You could tell he was hurting, and they wanted to get to the garden center on that end of the store. The cashier started telling them that they had to walk out and use the main entrance. Then a couple people in line for the checkout wearing mask and shit started yelling at them. The lady in front of me pulled her mask down and started yelling at them. Then she took off her glasses and rubbed all over her face in disgust. I assume she just transferred all the germs in the world to her face (lotta good the mask did).

Meanwhile the cashier and these other 3 are still going at it. Finally the one chick looks at everyone and says, "you are all fcuking idiots!!! The virus doesn't give a fcuk what door I walked in!! Either we have it or we dont." The old guy says, "I got a bad hip and I cant get my fcuking surgery done, I am walking through here, and would like to see one of you assholes stop me!!" It was a real source of amusement for me. Even though they were the kind of people I generally dislike they had a point. What difference did it make what door they walked in??
Sounds like a typical day where i'm at(virus hasn't changed much here). One evening right at closing time i am getting gas at the nearest station and when i walk in to pay the lady that worked there was yelling at the customer as i entered and all i here is "we're not taking it CHING CHONG! Then i looked over to see that she was addressing an older oriental gentleman and she said that because he paid for something with change he had in his pocket. WOW.
So...How did Ihlan get elected in MN?!?!
Extreme liberalism in the Twin Cities. If it wasn't for the metro Minnesota would be a red state. Importing Som alian refugees like its going out of style wont help get her out of there either. If she was in a red state she would have been in jail by now.
Extreme liberalism in the Twin Cities. If it wasn't for the metro Minnesota would be a red state. Importing Som alian refugees like its going out of style wont help get her out of there either. If she was in a red state she would have been in jail by now.

DryCreek and I worry about Texas turning blue due to same phenomenon

For some reason Mn seems to want to be just like California. Doesn't make any sense to me--but not much does lately.
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