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I'm not very smart. Could someone explain to me how public schools generate money for the economy? Thank You in advance.
Lots of good salaries and they spend lots of money. Supply day care so both parents can work. Then there is the whole teaching the youth so they can contribute to the economy.
I'm not very smart. Could someone explain to me how public schools generate money for the economy? Thank You in advance.

Public schools put about 706 billion dollars into the economy, plus freeing up parents to engage in economic activity.
If you know that Corona doesn't affect healthy people, then I'd like some of what you're smoking. That's an awfully bold statement to make - and I can tell you from personal experience, "Yes. It does".

We need to get the economy rolling again. We hope that the outbreak isn't as deadly as we HAD TO assume, based on the best available information. So the danger now is of the pendulum swinging in the other direction. We can't minimize the impact of the virus, but we've gotten to the point where it's apparent that the health care system isn't going to be overwhelmed by this first wave. That's a win. Let's not give it away.

Antibody testing # were much lower in upstate NY than NYC (1/5 down there compared to 1/25 up here). More test results will help us to focus future efforts appropriately, and the true breadth of this thing will become known. Patience. We're getting closer.

How many healthy people have died from the rona?

There are dozens of other causes death that will get the general public before the rona. How many murder/suicides have occurred because of the economic response?

We need to start talking about who's giving up what in the next budget cycle, cause the money isn't gonna be there.

Who's willing to give up their job, program, or discretionary income in the next biennium? The debate over who is or isn't more equal than the next is about to shift, and there will be fresh Wisconsin style riots at capitols all over the US as the legislatures and the special interests do battle to protect their cheese.

I don't want to hear any borax over how massive panic creation and overreaction halted something that was never going to happen anyway. It can't be proven any more than a city's ban on straws impact on April soil temps in the corn belt.

I have state issued credentials that say I'm an expert in economics, therefore my assessment is irrefutable. So now what do we do?
Wont we all be happy when this thread isn't necessary anymore and we can move on to something like......Habitat Talk?
I check this site every day for a picture of a food plot. I might be missing some if they're posted, but there doesn't seem to be many. In about an hour, I'll find out if my extremely early barley seeding germinated. I was spreading on frozen ground with snow around the edges of the plot over Easter weekend.
I have last years winter rye and clover just starting to emerge. The deer have also taking note of it and have been hanging out in them as well lately. Sorry, no pictures
We've also been busy mulch the flower beds around the house. 26 bags in and I think we could use that many more. I wish I would have just bought 50 when they were at $2.00 a bag and been done with it. The sale is over now and they are at like $3.50 a bag or something like that.
There goes Trump’s plans for developing the coast of N. Korea, Covid 19 killed Kimmy Jung UM. Good riddance, hopefully his sister has a brain in her head.
How many healthy people have died from the rona?

There are dozens of other causes death that will get the general public before the rona. How many murder/suicides have occurred because of the economic response?

We need to start talking about who's giving up what in the next budget cycle, cause the money isn't gonna be there.

Who's willing to give up their job, program, or discretionary income in the next biennium? The debate over who is or isn't more equal than the next is about to shift, and there will be fresh Wisconsin style riots at capitols all over the US as the legislatures and the special interests do battle to protect their cheese.

I don't want to hear any borax over how massive panic creation and overreaction halted something that was never going to happen anyway. It can't be proven any more than a city's ban on straws impact on April soil temps in the corn belt.

I have state issued credentials that say I'm an expert in economics, therefore my assessment is irrefutable. So now what do we do?
Agree to disagree? Worst phrase in the human language. Agree that we prioritize values differently, and work together to come up with a tenable solution? That I can get behind.

There are going to be lots of people on your bandwagon, because of course you are right - it's tough to prove that something didn't happen because of what you did. I will tell you that everyone at my institution is taking a steep salary cut to keep things alive. But that's likely going to be true most everywhere, if you're lucky enough to have a job. Honestly, I am not an economist and I can't predict what the fallout from this will be, so I guess I don't have an educated opinion on whether it's balanced by the indefinable results of our actions. I am willing to listen to your and everyone else's opinion, though. It's good to have multiple perspectives on board.

And I'm with Chummer on laughing at the thought of food plots. I took my kayak out this morning to fish and kept having to break ice off the guides. March was nice, but April just plain sucks.
We've also been busy mulch the flower beds around the house. 26 bags in and I think we could use that many more. I wish I would have just bought 50 when they were at $2.00 a bag and been done with it. The sale is over now and they are at like $3.50 a bag or something like that.
I happened to look a the tags of what the wife planted half way through. Half the plants are dwarf catmint and half full size. Guess who is taking the brunt of her anger for not paying attention to what she was buying...
Easter broadcasting of barley made it.


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There goes Trump’s plans for developing the coast of N. Korea, Covid 19 killed Kimmy Jung UM. Good riddance, hopefully his sister has a brain in her head.

I always figured he had several body Doubles around just in case there was some kind of operation to take him out. Like when Trump crossed over the line. Just throw him back over into South Korea. Done deal LOL. Just never thought he would expose himself to something like that so , that was probably a look a like not him. I saw that in a James Bond movie once.
Lots of good salaries and they spend lots of money. Supply day care so both parents can work. Then there is the whole teaching the youth so they can contribute to the economy.

It would depend on what assumptions you put in your model. Most of teachers salaries are redistribution of a scarce resource (capital) which you have lost the opportunity to invest/apply elsewhere. The question is it the most effective use of the capital compared to the alternative use. Some speculation here.

Preparing our youth is a positive economic activity but many feel schools have spent to many resources on non value teachings rather than reading, writing and arithmetic.
Saw Houston built a $17 million dollar temporary hospital that never saw a single pt. Its being closed
God Bless America. PBR IS LIVE!!! Prayer before start. And no kneeling at National Anthem. Who would’ve thot CBS could not have a coronary.

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Wife keeps bugging me for strawberries. Aren’t they a major PITA and they only last a couple years?
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