Yeah, I know some PhDs whose work isn't even worth using in lieu of toilet paper, too. I appreciate when somebody is able to take a step back and look objectively at the situation, take criticism, and think deeply about a subject. Unfortunately, you have just as many dogmatic idiots in academia as anywhere else. Basically, if there's an agenda behind the conclusion, then it's suspect. But I appreciate your analysis. It is tough to talk science sometimes without sounding pedantic...the first thing I try to teach my trainees is that we need to be active and effective in communicating, or we will be marginalized. My success rate: little column A, little column B.
I think that much of the response to this pandemic was driven by early events, where they was in fact widespread community transmission prior to testing, leading to a logarithmic explosion in cases and overwhelming the health care systems. The fear of that same sequence of events materializing elsewhere drove draconican responses. They actually closed public boat launches in NY - which IMHO was ridiculous. It's since been rescinded. But even though they seem like overkill, perhaps they measure in aggregate were what kept undetected clusters from emerging. As you state, we needed more information - if I hear the terms fluid situation with emerging guidance once more, I might scream. But it's true. Now, we need to use what we know to promote a safe and effective reopening, ASAP. However, that's going to be a different timeline for NYC compared to upstate NY. We need region-specific plans. And we need to prevent this from sneaking up on us again.
Sorry if it appeared I was putting down VDH. I did not intend such. He is a great writer and his military history books are worth reading. My only caveat was that he has a deep political viewpoint, and history is written by the winners, right? Part of his job is to interpret events, and it would be fairly dry reading if he didn't interject some personality into his writing. But that's all I meant. There are liberal historians who lend their interpretation, as well. I take wisdom from whatever source it emerges. I think that I learned the seven dirty words from Carlin lol.
TreeDaddy - what do you suggest as a placebo control? I'm struggling here. I tried planting without tubes or cages, but the deer ate my plantings to the ground and chewed on the flags I'd used to mark them. Most of the trees were put in the ground crooked enough that the deer on my property tend to lean to the side from browsing on them, you'd think I had my eyes closed when I planted. Does that count as double-blind?