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Kinda funny to me that as a country we are back to absolutely everything is covid. Unless you had the vax, then you have pre existing conditions.
Die in a car wreck? Covid
Died after getting the vax? Well he had a hang nail last week so..

And the unvacinated are being blamed for the "mutations" of the virus. But not everyone is even eligible to get the vaccine... Young kids still cant get it. So these little bastards are the ones responsible for the virus mutating and rendering the vaccine worthless to the rest of us. The stupid f******g gov't couldnt even distribute the first round of vacccines to the world fast enough before this thing could mutate. Good job science, way to **ck it up!! As far as I am concerned the gov't created the mutant strains. Too bad the stupid f*******g mask didnt work. My wife says half the people coming into her ER with corona are vaccinated.

But by all means sheep keep blaming unvaccinated...

And the unvacinated are being blamed for the "mutations" of the virus. But not everyone is even eligible to get the vaccine... Young kids still cant get it. So these little bastards are the ones responsible for the virus mutating and rendering the vaccine worthless to the rest of us. The stupid f******g gov't couldnt even distribute the first round of vacccines to the world fast enough before this thing could mutate. Good job science, way to **ck it up!! As far as I am concerned the gov't created the mutant strains. Too bad the stupid f*******g mask didnt work. My wife says half the people coming into her ER with corona are vaccinated.

But by all means sheep keep blaming unvaccinated...
That cant be true, msm says the ONLY people hospitalized or dieing are the unvaccinated.
Well I said I was 99% against getting vaccinated. Afraid the 1% wins out for me. My mom only made it halfway home from our vaca. She's been in Lacrosse Gundersan for 12 days (emergency kidney dialysis, discovered pancreatic cancer) and my siblings are bringing the heat now. Not a fight I want to have. I'll just get the jab and maybe it'll help something in someway. We live next to each other and I'll be helping quite a bit in her path forward. Guess I'm trying to decide between JnJ and Pfizer, if any of the pro-vaxers or simply those vaccinated can help out here.
if any of the pro-vaxers or simply those vaccinated can help out here.
I'm not pro or con vax. I'd go with Pfizer as it sounds like it will be the first one fully approved by the FDA (next month I believe). I have read and heard that the Moderna is "looking like" it's more effective against the Delta variant though.

Best of wishes to your mother and family
Well I said I was 99% against getting vaccinated. Afraid the 1% wins out for me. My mom only made it halfway home from our vaca. She's been in Lacrosse Gundersan for 12 days (emergency kidney dialysis, discovered pancreatic cancer) and my siblings are bringing the heat now. Not a fight I want to have. I'll just get the jab and maybe it'll help something in someway. We live next to each other and I'll be helping quite a bit in her path forward. Guess I'm trying to decide between JnJ and Pfizer, if any of the pro-vaxers or simply those vaccinated can help out here.
man, sorry to hear about that, Mort. That's awful.

If I was in your shoes, I'd probably feel the same way.
Wow, that psycho is really happy about those people dying. I pray for his sake nobody hates him as much as he hates others.
Imagine if these guys were running trials on people who start smoking for 3 months. "We've found no evidence of any health issues arising from smoking. It is perfectly safe and everyone should do it." I also wonder if the FDA is getting a little upset with the CDC stepping all over their turf.

By the way, has anyone heard if the CDC has a vaccine mandate for it's employees?

Well I said I was 99% against getting vaccinated. Afraid the 1% wins out for me. My mom only made it halfway home from our vaca. She's been in Lacrosse Gundersan for 12 days (emergency kidney dialysis, discovered pancreatic cancer) and my siblings are bringing the heat now. Not a fight I want to have. I'll just get the jab and maybe it'll help something in someway. We live next to each other and I'll be helping quite a bit in her path forward. Guess I'm trying to decide between JnJ and Pfizer, if any of the pro-vaxers or simply those vaccinated can help out here.

wife went with Johnson. 1 shot and done (for now). She didn’t have any side effects except it made her a tad bitchy.
No wait,,, no side affects..:emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


My cat has labled me anti-cat because I am not a cat. That hurt me a little. But he's ruthless like that.

cats seem to be very self centered by nature. I wouldn’t take it personally, they just naturally think their the most important thing in the world.
Real well spoken guy there. Salt of the earth type. Lol
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