Cool Pics -Let's See Them


Pretty cool looking hawk….

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Pretty cool looking hawk….

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I think that's a immature golden eagle but I don't know where this pic was taken or the size of the bird (scale), those talons and wingspan look pretty large to be a hawk.
I think that's a immature golden eagle but I don't know where this pic was taken or the size of the bird (scale), those talons and wingspan look pretty large to be a hawk.
Was thinking the same
An interesting one from last winter. Look close and you can see the VHF collar and green and red ear tags. Called the DNR and they told me where it was collared…..about 100 miles away.
An interesting one from last winter. Look close and you can see the VHF collar and green and red ear tags. Called the DNR and they told me where it was collared…..about 100 miles away.
That's wild! 100 miles???

You can keep your wolves...
I think that's a immature golden eagle but I don't know where this pic was taken or the size of the bird (scale), those talons and wingspan look pretty large to be a hawk.
This picture was taken in the south tip of the Black Hills. My neighbors says it is a young bald eagle.
That's wild! 100 miles???

You can keep your wolves...
Yes, I was surprised at that distance as well. Agree, cool pics to see……but don’t want many of them!
Not sure if this is considered neat or not but he sure looks good. Middle Georgia.

Wow.... yeah, I'd say neat is an understatement! I wonder if he's still roaming middle Georgia.
Ya got a double wammy there... I see both the doe and bear are keeping tabs on each other. Cool pic. I'm always surprised how late in the fall bears are still wandering around. I am wondering if they are mostly males without cubs to worry about.
Ya got a double wammy there... I see both the doe and bear are keeping tabs on each other. Cool pic. I'm always surprised how late in the fall bears are still wandering around. I am wondering if they are mostly males without cubs to worry about.
typically it is males that stay out the longest,
I have seen them up and about ALL yr some yrs , some just dont; feel the need to den up, as a fact. bears are NOT true hibernating animals, f most don't know this, , but it is a fact! bears typically den due to lack of food , or to give birth, as main reasons, but if food is about they really don't need to den for winters!

the bear in his picture I am very familiar with, he was born in jan of 2019, and became an orphan cub in Nov of 2019 when its mom was hit by a vehicle near me, , leaving him and another male cub behind, they spent the winter that yr in a den I made for them,( I also had another orphaned male , so I had 3 that winter here, they became really good buddies/ brothers by default, and I still see them often!, 2 I know made it through legal hunting seasons here, one I am not sure went MIA in last week of bear season!!

Also, there mother was a cub I helped raise 7 yrs earlier(well of the 2 cubs, the third one, I have NO clue who its mom was LOL, he showed up at my place at about 5 months old very very tiny,)

so to be honest this male, he really was never taught to den in winter time by its mother, WHich IMO< is a BIG part of how soon they den or not!
SO, it just went along with the denning due to cold temps, lots of snow and no real food sources, and having again two others with it, sort of helped them all survive being alone there first real winter!

I have a LOT of bear experience, having worked with them for many decades now, there amazing critters,
If anyone cares, here is a few other pic's of the above bears I wrote about, here the wo brothers are at about 5 months old, and then at about 10 months old when they became orphans and the den I built for them!

and here are pictures of the Three orphans, sorry cannot find better one's right now, but give you an idea anyhow, if anyone cares!

a SKUNK used to kick them out of the den every now and then, its kind of funny, as from ALL my experience, MOST bears DON"T know how big they are(older males do), but most bears will run from things much much smaller then them, Skunks do have a weapon, but most other things don't' really , yet they still run from them!

and YES< the poor orphans found out the hard way what a SKUNK is and can do, over the yrs they haven't learned yet either, still get blasted now and them!

Also, if anyone wanted to know the weights on the cubs in below pic's there about 75-80 lbs, but very FAT cubs for sure, there mom was a BIG female, she was over 350 lbs when she was hit by a car, even the lone orphan was pretty fat, its a good area for bears lots of easy food, so they get fat fast here
Hope some enjoy and I am not getting off topic,a s these are still mostly trail cam pic's and some what cool??
