Convincing a neighbor to grant an easement

so what happened here? Did you buy the property?

I'm pretty protective of my place, but that kind of "neighborly" move can often lead to a good relationship down the road. I guess it depends on who the guy is.

I've always been blessed on my farm and at my home to have good neighbors. It's a heck of a lot better than having bad ones.

As much as is possible, live peaceably with all men.
Could have bought it 6 times over at the price he sold. Wasn’t for sale until mine was gone and I no longer wanted it.
I just made the mistake of being a nice guy for free. Again, just pointing out no good deed goes unpunished :)

Had another neighbor on the same property that I gave permission to cross my land to get to his for the 10 years I owned it. Instead of thanking me for 10 years he called a Lawyer when I listed it for sale. He wanted to sue me for legal access.

His problem was I never denied him access so he didn’t have a case.

See that good deed thing?
I’m always amazed at how people take good will and “we always did that” as they have a right to something. I don’t think everyone is a bad person, but we as a culture have gotten so focused on only our own interests.
Makes me sad.
note to self- if you wanna take advantage of someone, Bill is an easy mark.
Not my takeaway. I'm guessing no one crosses Bill and gets away with it.

Put me in the group that won't grant an easement. Last I knew, in IL, if you knowingly buy ground that is landlocked, you're screwed. I'm sure some do-gooders will find a way to fix that though. Equity.
so what happened here? Did you buy the property?

I'm pretty protective of my place, but that kind of "neighborly" move can often lead to a good relationship down the road. I guess it depends on who the guy is.

I've always been blessed on my farm and at my home to have good neighbors. It's a heck of a lot better than having bad ones.

As much as is possible, live peaceably with all men.
Nothing yet. I told the neighbor I completely understand his position but had to at least ask. He was going to discuss particulars with his family’s attorney. That was April. The timber co selling this land put a moratorium on new contracts for about 8 months and that’s just been lifted. I’ll probably run into the neighbor over the Holidays and check his temperature again.

The good neighbors thing is so true. I told him I’d never even want the land if I knew it would mean being on poor terms with his family. And I mean that. Him granting/selling me an easement is his best way to guarantee a good neighbor, though. :)
There is a land locked 40 behind my land. There is a property between mine and this 40. There is also a 40 between this land and a road. I was hoping to get an easement from either land owner, but no deal. Each access would be a 1/4 mile road. I understand the hesitancy. The one land owner had granted permission to the current owner, but then he started allowing many people to hunt it, and they stopped the access to them. I wouldn’t want several people going through my land during hunting season.
I’ve been on the property search for awhile and I am amazed at how little (30-50%)they take off for a piece you cannot access. I’ve also seen a few sell out west and the names don’t align with the neighbors.

The piece I ended up buying had an easement. 30ft wide. The landowner has made it uneven, swampy and bush laden with some dozer work 15 years ago. While I could legally use it- it would’ve been hell to get corrected and with an easement it’s not like you can just hire a dozer or tree crew. Ended up negotiating a price high for the area but worth it for both of us to buy.
The reality is that neighbors are nice when they have something to gain from us, then can turn on you in an instant when they don't get what they perceive they are "entitled" to. Verbal agreements will also come back to haunt you, I have had many experiences where I tried to be the good guy only to get taken advantage of.

Had an experience about a month ago where my neighbor to the west called just to let me know they trailed a wounded deer to our property line and only went in a ways to see if they could find blood. Never found it. This was 2 days before gun opener. When I checked game cams they were 300-400 yards onto my property with a dog.

They guard their property lines like fort knox. I didn't say a word, just know that I now do not need their permissions to travel on their property to track an animal, if they complain, I will just show them the trail cam photos. Respect me, I will respect you.