Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

The idea i thought we were discussing was that states be held accountable for voting controls for federal elections based on stricter standards that make it harder to cheat in federal elections - thus you'd be doing the opposite of extending the cheating across the nation.
I like the way you think but it would likely do the opposite and end up hurting the situation in the long run.
Then why have any laws?

There's no telling how many it stops. Killing them sure stops them from doing it again.
Exactly. And I’d sure as hell like to believe there’s been thousands upon thousands of instance where someone wanted to kill someone but thought better of it because of the ultimate repercussion
Getting off the point , this country needs some kind of election process over haul. The only thing more broken that our government is the way we vote for those running the government. I do truly believe their should be some national guidelines so every state has to do it the same, and I also believe all the "extra" voting should be done away with or have very strict regulations put on them.
Getting off the point , this country needs some kind of election process over haul. The only thing more broken that our government is the way we vote for those running the government. I do truly believe their should be some national guidelines so every state has to do it the same, and I also believe all the "extra" voting should be done away with or have very strict regulations put on them.
That’s the issue I see with this the Dems will corrupt it like everything else they touch and it will end up having the opposite effect it was to prevent. This is more or less what always happens I agree with your sentiment but it will be corrupted against us at some point
Bring back law and order and enforce the laws that are already in place. Can't have government officials breaking the law and nothing happens. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.
That’s it. We have laws preventing all of this stuff!!! We just don’t enforce anything. We don’t need any over hauls or new regulations, we need enforcement
It is interesting that Kamal won all the states that do not require voter ID. I think you start there, if you juts required voter ID to vote in Federal elections, that would go a long way.
Getting off the point , this country needs some kind of election process over haul. The only thing more broken that our government is the way we vote for those running the government. I do truly believe their should be some national guidelines so every state has to do it the same, and I also believe all the "extra" voting should be done away with or have very strict regulations put on them.
I think that should be a top 3 priority for Repubs going into next year. Do it fast!
Thomas Massie! He’s the man. Trump already making big changes

I didn't realize Massie was offered the secretary of ag position. I had heard that thrown out as a possibility, but I didn't dare get my hopes up. If that's true, that's incredibly good news.
^ Interesting read and perspective on many fronts. thanks.
So Thomas Massie says he has not been asked to be ag sec?
You can't mess with my emotions like that! 😁 I desperately want him in a position to make a real impact on the country
VDH has been great for a long time.

Was it ever made public how Massie's wife died?
VDH has been great for a long time.

Was it ever made public how Massie's wife died?
As far as I know he has kept that private.