Conex/shipping container for storage

Someday your the only one with that problem. My wife refers to our woods as the "money pit". Money goes in and nothing comes out !
Someday your the only one with that problem. My wife refers to our woods as the "money pit". Money goes in and nothing comes out !

But it is a healthy diversion to be sure!
For those of you that have these are they typically able to be tightly sealed? My son is trying to talk me into getting one to store his project car in......because I told him I want my garage back. My concern is that the mice and the like would still be able to enter the container......
Great question j-bird. I was actually more concerned with moisture and no so much with rodents.
If you get a good one it will seal tight. Remember these are designed to ship thing overseas, they need to be able to seal well. As far as moisture they have vents so they can breathe. I added more vents to mine so it would breathe better. If I were going to have a problem it would be winter time. Below freezing, running the tractor for hours and then putting it away, if condensation was going to from that would have been the time, I have not had a problem with mine.

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I'm sure I'm the only one with those issues right?

Yep, you are the only one. You must be some kind of freak!

The worst part is, the more I get done the more I see that needs to be done. Seems like the harder I work the more I need to do :emoji_unamused:
My dad wasn't too educated but he knew how to work. He used to say "The hurrier I go the behinder I get". Seems to be true sometimes.
J Bird these containers seal up like a tomb. There is nothing getting in as long as you buy a 1 tripper or a grade A. Some of the lower quality ones might not last as long.
Someday your the only one with that problem. My wife refers to our woods as the "money pit". Money goes in and nothing comes out !

There are many worse things to spend money on then improving hunting land. My wife doesnt complain of my hunting hobby, although I dont complain of her shopping either. As long as the bills are paid, and there is food on the table, we are good with each others hobbies. We may be skimping on our retirement savings at times, but I see my hunting land as what will make me happy when I am old, I dont need a bunch of fluff.