5 year old buck +
What could be planted at the same time with rye that would make good deer chow, and thrive if one wanted to mow the rye several times to keep it tender and green (not go to seed) ??
If you spring plant rye it won’t go to seed until the following spring. I spring and summer plant it all the time. No need to mow it. My experience is the deer won’t eat it until late fall anyway. Plant on the light side if doing it early because it will turn into a big clump for each seed.What could be planted at the same time with rye that would make good deer chow, and thrive if one wanted to mow the rye several times to keep it tender and green (not go to seed) ??
What could be planted at the same time with rye that would make good deer chow, and thrive if one wanted to mow the rye several times to keep it tender and green (not go to seed) ??
My experience says the deer are not going to eat it until November. The only reason I plant it in the spring is I have bare dirt and extra seed. It will get eaten to the ground in November but I think it is way down the list on their preference the rest of the year. It will also get hit when it is the first thing to green up after the snow leaves.I should have said companion to spring-planted rye in the original post. My bad. I was looking for an option for spring planting that would feed deer all summer.
If we planted rye in the spring with red clover, about how many times could the plot be mowed to keep the rye low & lush/green/tender ?? Is that possible ?? ( keeping it lush/green/tender ).
My experience says the deer are not going to eat it until November. The only reason I plant it in the spring is I have bare dirt and extra seed. It will get eaten to the ground in November but I think it is way down the list on their preference the rest of the year. It will also get hit when it is the first thing to green up after the snow leaves.
^^^^ Jack - Not sure what you meant by planting foxtail later. We don't want ANY foxtail !!! That stuff happens on it's own, and it's a weed to us.
No experience with sun hemp. I never even heard of it planted around the camp's location.
Does 2-4-D have a residual soil effect ?? How long ?? We've never used that chem. at camp.