Collect scions now?


5 year old buck +
Typically have some winter in Feb, the the forecast for the next 2wks is 40's through 60's. Should I get them this weekend or go ahead and wait 3 or 4 weeks?
Might do some too. Going on a cruise feb 8-16 or so. Ive had good graft on ones that been in the fride 3 or 4 months before. I seal em with pruning sealer or candle wax.

Was going ot try cleaning them with bleach n water like orchard owners do. On scions for my use 1st, it works well do it for gift scions next year.
We have similar weather forecasted, but I'm holding off a while on cutting scions - especially persimmon, since they leaf out much later than apple or pear. My opinion is that fresher scions have a better chance of taking. My evidence for that might be considered anecdotal, but that's my belief. I have had failures with purchased persimmon scions but never with those I cut myself. Good luck.
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I've passed up on grafting scion material that looks wrinkly. Like it dried up. Anybody had success grafting that kind of material. I also debate between the freezer and fridge. Had a decent take last year, most were in the fridge.

Best take ever is fresh off the tree right to the graft. Plant them in pots and leave in basement for about 3 weeks. Heal the graft union. I potted the ones I was going to direct plant in the spring. When outside was about frost free date, I unpotted and planted them in a ball of the same soil. I also blend between good potting soil and the soil it will live in. Brought home about 20 gallons of sandy soil from camp. Farmland is similar clay soil, so I just stuff from home. Probably 2/3's soil from ground 1/3 potting soil. Sandy sil from camp gets heavier garden soil that has some clay in it
I cut some Fuyu persimmon scions yesterday

I waxed the tips , wrapped in moist paper toil and placed in crisper

Dandelion,henbit, elm, willow blooming now and pear buds starting to swell
