Clover in the WI Snow Belt

Sure throw some MRC but still go heavier on the whites. We get a hard winter and that mostly mrc decent plot in the fall becomes a no show in the spring. Seen that happen, weeds got a huge jump that spring. I do try to time letting the clovers set some seed before maintenance mowing any broadleaf weeds in the summer if possible. They usually set seed 2 or 3 times in the summer if rain is decent. Seems like northern WI has been spared some of the really dry summers the last few years unlike in MN and west
I have been very dry. My brother lives about 30 miles east of me, and he has gotten lots of rain. I would get nothing, he would het 2”.
Ruskbucks "Have you ever seen the boards with nails in them that they use in front of cabin doors in Alaska? I wonder if they would work around trees."? Has anyone tried this? sounds like a cheap, easy deterrent to the bear problem.
Thank all!

Let me try this another way.

My specific question is : I’m going to put 8-10 pounds of clover seed in my planter for each 1 acre plot. Whether I call it a nurse crop or a cover crop that first year in the ground, what RATE would you plant other things to give me some deer food (annuals) that first year?

***. In the fall of 23, I’ll be plowing down quite a bit of the clover and planting “candy” crops…….much like discussed above. Probably will leave a 15 yard ring of clover around all 4……or possibly do some strips of pure annuals.

Using turnips or rape as an example……..would you still do 10# of clover per acre and add 2# of rapeseed? Or do 8# of clover and 2# of rapeseed?

Using WR as an example, would you use 10# of clover and 25# of WR?

I’m trying to get the plant population right…..without over or under seeding.
Green Cover Seed has a smartmix calculator on their website where you can choose your own mixes and it will give you the ratios to use per acre.
That’s what I need! Thanks! I’ve never heard of Green Cover Seed.