Chest banging deer

Native Hunter

5 year old buck +
I've seen does boxing each other and bucks antler to antler, but this is the first time I've ever seen bucks "chest bang" each other.

And it all happened in 2 seconds.



Showing off on the playground..
Have you seen them do that Bill? It was a first for me.

don’t have any pics handy but yes I’ve seen them do this. Always over a mineral/salt site.

maybe they were arguing over the sweetest clover spot in the field.
Native Hunter, I've got multiple videos of bucks getting involved in boxing matches as well after they've dropped hardened horns. The fists (well, hooves) fly pretty furiously, so lots can happen in a 2 second time span. Do you not think the "chest bump" might just be the result of the tail end of a boxing match?

Caught this early spring battle a couple of years ago. Whatever caused it was off-camera, but lots of action in just a few seconds. In this case the camera location wasn't at a mineral scrape but instead just a well-used travel trail, but to Bill's point the majority of "fist fights" I've recorded were at mineral sites.

It could be. One thing fir sure - it looked serious.
A friend of mine told me to forget about the chest banging and to zoom in and look at the bases on the buck in the background watching the fight......:emoji_open_mouth: