Chasing Ditch Parrots

Steve Oehlenschlager

5 year old buck +
With the exception of the 1st picture..All were taken this year. Some of you might recognize thisDSC_5454_1.JPG pic from Pheasants Forever Magazine this fall.DSC_0878_1.JPG DSC_0944_1.JPG DSC_1226_1.JPG DSC_4297_2.JPG DSC_8443_1.JPG DSC_0934_3.JPG
Threads like this happen when you have the day off, and your sick, and it is too cold to go take pictures.....If this weather keeps up, you just might get some good Waterfowling shots tomorrow!
Great pics. How long you been the shutter bug?
I can only imagine how awesome your prints are with how clear and defined your images are on a computer screen.
Always been fascinated with taking pictures. I have been serious about it for about 5 years now.
Nothing better than a picture of roosters over native grasses!
Great job, Steve.
Once again - great pictures. "Ditch Parrots" never heard them called that before. In IN the only way to really hunt them is what we call a put-and-take situation where you release farm raised birds and then "hunt" them. I don't think we have much true habitt for them. IN has seen a great reduction in upland birds over the past few decades as clean farming practices and row crop farming has expanded. It's hard to find brushy draws, NWSG fields or even brushy fence lines in the areas of decent agriculture anymore. They claim quail are an indicator species to your habitat condition - well the indication is we suck because we have few quail. I see/hear a few every once in a while - fun to watch my dogs look for them and watch the birds flush and the dog looks up like, "what the hell was that?" I have never hunted pheasants before - maybe something I need to add to the bucket list.
Great pix Steve ! Brings back memories of my early hunting days. We don't have any good habitat here in Pa. anymore since all farm fields are scalped clean to the ground now.

Your photog. prowess is impressive. Keep it up !!
Great pics!
those are some great pics right there!
Great pics. Do have any more of the pointing griffon with the pheasant in its mouth. We have a six month old pup and my wife loved that pic.
We have one white dog, an English Setter. Otherwise all the other dogs I hove pictures of are Drahthaars. We had 8 Drahthaars and our token White Dog out there. Here are some more dog pics.DSC_0974_1.JPG DSC_0107_1.JPG DSC_9665_1.JPG DSC_9768_1.JPG
Cool dogs. They look just like mine only shorter hair. Mine is suppose to be a great pheasant dog but we don't have pheasants.image.jpg