Cell boosters


Looking for some advice/guidance on cell signal boosters

I live in an area where if I get 2 bars of cell service I an doing good. I am looking into a cell signal booster to assist with this, but I am not an electronics type of person. Have any of you had experience with these or have and suggestions on what to get?

I understand they take a signal and then amplify it (increase it by roughly 60 db as I understand it) and then re-transmit that stronger signal to a fairly small area. This is what I need for working from the house, but it turns out my work phone is thru one carrier and the kids and wife are on another. So I am thinking I am going to need 2 of these systems for the best results for the entire household....since I will have to aim the outside antenna at two different towers (the closest tower only covers band 13 (Verison) - while the others are AT&T and those towers are in different directions from us).

Any advise is appreciated.
Sorry to ask, but my assumption is that you don't have cable-internet? If you did, you could just enable WiFi calling on all the cell phones. It works fairly well (for what it's worth).
Most of the cell phone boosters I have seen you hooked straight to internet.I haven't seen any of these for a long time.Look at the coverage area on the companies adds and then you can tell them it shows they cover that area and sometimes they will give you one then.
We purchased one a few years ago and couldn't really get it to work. Ours hooked to the fiber internet we had and was supposed to increase the coverage in the house. I'm not sure if it already had too weak of a signal, or the tin house had anything to do with it, but it had almost no noticeable effect. We just made sure we had a great router and got everyone on wifi calling. Eventually, we plan on puting in wifi boosters around the farm for safety, or if 5G gets rolled out and expanded we will rely on that.
I've got a WeBoost RV version at the cabin, and it works for everyone's phones. I'm stuck with a worthless service, and it goes from useless to do-able. The guys on verizon can be anywhere in the cabin and it works fine. They've got a whole house version, but it's gonna be spendy.
Wifi calling is great ( I have that option at the cottage thanks to fast internet). Unfortunately at home we have dish internet which isn't compatible for wifi calling. Im very interested in a booster (for home and camp) but I'm not good with tech talk and don't understand what I'm buying. If there's a dumbed down place to buy from I'd love to know about it
Looking for some advice/guidance on cell signal boosters

I live in an area where if I get 2 bars of cell service I an doing good. I am looking into a cell signal booster to assist with this, but I am not an electronics type of person. Have any of you had experience with these or have and suggestions on what to get?

I understand they take a signal and then amplify it (increase it by roughly 60 db as I understand it) and then re-transmit that stronger signal to a fairly small area. This is what I need for working from the house, but it turns out my work phone is thru one carrier and the kids and wife are on another. So I am thinking I am going to need 2 of these systems for the best results for the entire household....since I will have to aim the outside antenna at two different towers (the closest tower only covers band 13 (Verison) - while the others are AT&T and those towers are in different directions from us).

Any advise is appreciated.

I can't recommend any specific system, but you have the concept right. Older ones work like analog repeaters and did not work well. Some of the newer ones are limited to a couple bands and are smarter than a simple analog repeater. The are limited by the FCC in terms of broadcast power. Much of the improvement comes from a directional antenna. So, you are correct. If your family has different carriers that have towers in different directions, you will be best with two boosters with directional antennas each pointed at a different tower.

If you are in an area with limited coverage, 5G rollout may be a ways off. There is talk about the military giving up some frequencies for 5G that have better building and foliage penetration which may improve coverage.


So I don’t have cable anything! My tv is thru satellite but we already have the widest band width they offer..... and it’s fine for basic stuff but not worth a toot for work or video. I have to use my cell phone hot spot to work from home. I am lucky to get 2 bars of cell service in the house..... I am hoping the cell booster will help and simply improve things. I am finding systems from $300 for a room to the sky is the limit. I just figured some of you probably have some remote places you live or camp and have tried something like this before.
This is the one I have, and it works great! I have 2 bars outside, and inside my steal building without it, I had 0 reception, with it, I have 5 bars, and I get 60 mb speed on my cell phone inside. Best investments I made. Expensive, but well worth it!
This is the one I have, and it works great! I have 2 bars outside, and inside my steal building without it, I had 0 reception, with it, I have 5 bars, and I get 60 mb speed on my cell phone inside. Best investments I made. Expensive, but well worth it!

Could you post brand and model that you have? I’m interested.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oops sorry.


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I know most can only boost the signal by 60 or 65 db.....but that could mean a significant increase at my place....IF it works. My kids where commenting last night how we lived in a "technological hole" as nothing would load on their phones last night. I told them they was welcome to move out.....(They are in their 20's).
My brother uses ATT. No signal at the farm. He called and griped and griped and griped.

they sent him one for free. But it hooks into the internet router.