Can't Fool Me! Lol!



Had a guy come here from Wisconsin 2 weeks ago to buy a few bags of corn seed. Total was $1,295.00. Took his check and sent him on his way. The check came back this week from my bank. Check was fake! I have gotten bad checks before, but never a fake check, It looked real to me. So I am pissed but will get the last laugh. The guy made 3 mistakes, On new customers from out of state, I always write down there license plate number on there vehicle. I always save the phone number they call from. But the biggest dumbass move the guy made was, he used his own last name on the check.:eek:

I had my buddy run the license plate, found out he is from Frederick WI, and I know right where is place is now.

I have 2 choices, turn it into the cops, or take a drive to Fredrick and watch the look on his face when I knock on his door and yank him outside. You guys are pretty rational, which route would you go?

I know which way I want to go! Hahahaha!
I tell you though Stu, when that idiot spit on my wife 5 years ago, It felt so good to beat the living piss out of that guy! And I am starting to get that feeling again.
Oh...I get it John..believe me. Problem is, the guy ripped you off for $1300 and you'll end up paying more than that if you go with the "feel good" option. Look at it this way...the guy ends up winning twice...that's no good, right?
Perhaps being able to be there when the cops roll in his driveway would give some sense of satisfaction? At least you'd get to see the guy get nailed...and besides, the cops would need you to positively ID him

Sounds like the best way to go. I have been really pissed since getting the check back yesterday. You and my old lady have more sense right now than me.
Another reason to implement cash only on non local customers for high dollar purchases. That or tell them you are holding product for two weeks prior to their check clearing. As the sign says "In God we trust, all others pay cash!" I have had a couple guys TRY and pass bad checks on me locally, lets just say I got my money and they relized how irritating and annoying someone can be who is not even a tel-a-marketer!
$1300 was not even worth chasing when we were doing blinds. Nothing you could do to cost effectively recover the funds, especially when the guy was intentionally writing bad checks.

I say head out to his field and mow your corn when its gets about 2 feet tall. Or maybe you can beat him to the harvest and sell it to the neighbor for $1 per bushel. He must have neighbors that hate him as well.

Or maybe beat the piss out of him but tell him your name is James Roemhild. Quid pro quo.
$1300 was not even worth chasing when we were doing blinds. Nothing you could do to cost effectively recover the funds, especially when the guy was intentionally writing bad checks.

I say head out to his field and mow your corn when its gets about 2 feet tall. Or maybe you can beat him to the harvest and sell it to the neighbor for $1 per bushel. He must have neighbors that hate him as well.

Or maybe beat the piss out of him but tell him your name is James Roemhild. Quid pro quo.

The wife says this guy probably does this everywhere. And gets away with it because most won't go through the trouble of handling it the legal way.

My buddy says it should be a Gross Misdemeanor for over $500. He said not to go over there, the guy will end up getting my money twice if I do anything. I will let him handle it at the cop shop and see what happens.
Turn it over to the cops. Then maybe next year you take a little road trip. Tires are expensive to replace but insurance may cover them, valve stems are cheap.
If you know where he lives and feel a little could tell him that you want a 50% collection premium (in cash) within 24 hours or your turning him in to law enforcement and dog the bounty hunter....whom handles your collection issues.

Or.....just turn it over to law enforcement and / or the court.....and do other stuff. You've grown schmarter over time. ;)

I can remember trying to collect a few bad debts from bad apples. Never had a positive outcome with the bad apples. A waste pf time unless using the courts.
Interstate crime make it a federal charge?
You're right, it would be great to jerk him out and watch his face. Probably best to leave it to the authorities though.

Then again, it might be worth it, you could get someone to bail you out. :mad:
let the cops handle it. those boys will take care of him.. no questions.
Then again, it might be worth it, you could get someone to bail you out. :mad:

Maybe that guy would have a check that John could borrow?
Or John could use the check he all ready has.
I know cleth can be expensive.........what does pramitol come out to per acre?!?!?!?!?:D
I would do a Bruce Jenner Cat operation on him.....

On second thought, you might catch some disease...better let the cops handle it.
If a guy spits on my wife...I would beat the piss out of him too. If he steals from me.....I get even. Call the cops Mo, but if you want help to go over and spray his corn for him.....I'm in!!!
I love all the suggestions. But my Deputy buddy will handle it the so called legal way next week.

If that don't work, then old MO will make a 70 mile drive and pay him a visit.
I love all the suggestions. But my Deputy buddy will handle it the so called legal way next week.

If that don't work, then old MO will make a 70 mile drive and pay him a visit.

Legal way!? That ain't you lol. I will send you my gopro cam so we can see the action if you make the drive!