5 year old buck +
When I first got into plotting, I actually found Pauls site first, and unknowingly asked a few questions to Paul, then his wife replied that he passed away the night before. I felt horrible! I apologized and never posted on it again. That is when I found and signed onto the other site that is closed now, and shortly after that I was refereed to this site.
For me its oats, winter wheat, and then winter rye for what draws the deer in. I use winter rye for a few reasons, the deep roots, the above ground growth that helps the soil, the fact it comes on strong and early in the spring, it grows 5-6 feet tall in early summer, for fawn cover, and allos enough sun for the clover to still grow. It stays standing until late July, and keeps the weeds at bey until I am ready to plant something else, either mid summer, or early fall. Typically I plant brassicas in mid July, or my fall mis Labor day weekend.
For me its oats, winter wheat, and then winter rye for what draws the deer in. I use winter rye for a few reasons, the deep roots, the above ground growth that helps the soil, the fact it comes on strong and early in the spring, it grows 5-6 feet tall in early summer, for fawn cover, and allos enough sun for the clover to still grow. It stays standing until late July, and keeps the weeds at bey until I am ready to plant something else, either mid summer, or early fall. Typically I plant brassicas in mid July, or my fall mis Labor day weekend.