Can I Trespass On My Own Land?

yes, I make sure everything is clear in the cropland rental lease. Hunting rights and the right to access and use the rented crop land at any time for any reason is retained and specifically called out in the lease. It's important to be clear that by renting the farmland, the farmer understands that no hunting or other rights are included. Things like that are really important if your farmer wants to apply for wildlife crop damage programs that would require public access to the land if they apply for the programs. The farmer renting my land in WI requested that I put the land on different wildlife damage programs so he could get more money and I would have to allow public access to my land. I told him no of course, but it also helps to have that specifically listed in the lease agreement.
On a related subject.
I've heard that if you post no hunting, no trespassing signs that no one can hunt it. I have no idea if this if fact or not.
Owner retains all hunting and recreational rights.

That is a simple line to put in each lease.
On a related subject.
I've heard that if you post no hunting, no trespassing signs that no one can hunt it. I have no idea if this if fact or not.
Get"the signs that also say "Without written permission.
On a related subject.
I've heard that if you post no hunting, no trespassing signs that no one can hunt it. I have no idea if this if fact or not.

I have heard this before as well and have done some research a couple times. From what I have found, that was the law in some eastern states and Canadian provinces in the past. "No Hunting" signs meant the landowner could not hunt either. I have not found anything that it would be part of the current laws in MN.

I would like to see the CO that charges a landowner for hunting on their own land because there was a no hunting sign.
My signs say, no treaspassing, the state trepassing statute & violators will be prosicuted to the full extent of the law. Treaspassers have found out that I mean what I post.