Buying a Camper


5 year old buck +
I know this may be an odd question for this forum but I'm sure someone on here will have some words of wisdom to help out.

I'm looking at buying a camper (travel trailer). Is it like buying a car where they are expecting you to haggle over the sticker price? Or would I look like an idiot making an offer? This would be at a dealer most likely for a new one.
I know this may be an odd question for this forum but I'm sure someone on here will have some words of wisdom to help out.

I'm looking at buying a camper (travel trailer). Is it like buying a car where they are expecting you to haggle over the sticker price? Or would I look like an idiot making an offer? This would be at a dealer most likely for a new one.
From one who worked at a dealership new ones drop like a stone in value. Try to find used for best value. Look for leaks around vents and delamination on ext sidewalls.
I wouldn't mind getting a used one but we're having trouble finding a used one that has everything we want.
If you do decide to buy new the "show" price is about as low as you will get them. They have these rv shows in winter and that is where the price comes from. Once spring hits the show prices are usually gone. IMO you will be more likely to have the dealer agree to add-ons to make the deal vs getting a price much below the show price.
If you can hold out until late summer you can sometimes find some great deals and be able to haggle. I was provided an offer an offer on one this spring and was able to buy it in September for almost a third less.
Like others have said, show or late summer is the best time to deal. IMO late summer is the better of the 2. Also look for new non current year models if your looking for new. Sometimes you can save BIG $$$ doing this.
What are your guys thoughts on the best exterior to have with a camper? In my case I would like a camper that will just sit and not be towed anywhere. In this case is fiberglass a better choice or other material? Also, is there a brand of camper that is better insulated and can handle the winter better?
