Actually, the screen works well even if you do have hundreds to do. A pair of tin snips makes quick work in the don't even have to cut the screen, it's more of a slicing motion...and you only need a single roll to do as many trees as you can get to in a day, since the pieces you're using are only ~4x6". Two people, one roll of screen (metal, not plastic!), and a stapler. A couple hundred trees in a few hours. It's a PITA having to take them off come late April, only to have to reapply them next year, but eventually the trees will get big enough not to have to worry. Our property is across the street from a 700 acre park in a suburban area with extremely high deer densities. If it works for us, it will work anywhere. And credit where credit is due, this came from another board member on the old forum, not me. Maybe Jack? I can't recall off hand, but somebody else may.