
In my experience if an animal is hit in the boiler room with a sharp broadhead with complete pass through. They live under 5 seconds. ( often under 3).
Same…I could not believe what I was seeing as this unfolded.
If it was my shot, I would suspect i hit high above the spine.

a low hit would have blood on the ground.

too far caudal the arrow would have different sign.


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I used Magnus fixed blades for prob 30 yrs. Almost impossible to damage, and flew well. Since that's what I started with, the blood trails i had to follow were my norm. When Rage came out, I got 3. Shot my first deer, and the wound channel and blood were 3 times what I had with Magnus. So I changed to Rage for the last 10 yrs. Only shot 3 in those 10 yrs. First 2 were down within 40 yds, and couldn't have had any blood left in em. Last year, I shot a really nice 160+ at 45 yds. My lumenok looked like a lazer, I saw it the whole way, and I hit him perfectly. Had a minor blood trail 30 yds to the open field, then lost him. Backed out and came back the next day, tracked my ass off, and never found him or the arrow. I know I did everything right, and I always inspect my gear when hunting. It's my opinion the broadhead didn't open, because if it did, I would have had wayyyy more blood. It didn't make sense, especially knowing how these broadheads mechanically open up, and now I'm skeptical. I did purchase 3 new Rage broadheads again this year, and got them cheaper than in the past, but never got a shot. I'm going to stick it out with the expandables for now.
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When I first started bow hunting over forty years ago I used the big old Thunderheads or Razorbacks with my Bear Whitetail Hunter, killed a few deer with them.
Have tried a few other fixed blades over the years, around ten years ago started using Slick Trick Mags, great broadheads that leave a slug hole in a deer, even cut through scapulas and ribs like butter.
This year I switched to a xbow and everyone I talked to told me to go with the Rage Hypos so I did, verdict is still out I haven’t shot anything with them yet.
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I'm not a fan of moving parts if they aren't necessary, so I like fixed blade broadheads. I've had good luck with G5 montec fixed blades and there is no worrying about the blade deploying or glancing off a rib like you can get with expandables.
I should also note that I use the same G5 montec both with my vertical bow as well as my son's crossbow. I've used many of the broadheads to kill several deer - they are easy to sharpen up and use again.
I am still shooting 2-blad Rage. I think you either love em' or hate em'. I have the old style that seat on the rubber O ring, which is something I dont like as it is easy to bump a blade loose. However I havent shot a deer in the boiler room and had it ever go more than 125 yards. Most of them have dropped within sight.
Yup, rage in the cage has worked for me. Shit, the past year a rage mid back along the back bone worked. Pretty sure I clipped the artery that runs along the spine. Total rush job on a buck I snuck up on while fighting w/ another. The ones I've hit in the right spot go about 50 yards. Even this one only went about 100 or so.
Deer only here. Just been using 100gr 3 blade muzzies for years. Got plenty of extra blades too. I use this with my hoyt turbohawk. I mostly go out with my hoyt. I do have a bear combo I have mechanicals on that bow, as well as my crossbow.

I'd be using fixed on elk If I were to hunt them. I only shoot 30 yards or less with the hoyt and 35 with the bear. Usually wait for a 20 shot. Bow is much more about a close clean shot than anything else really. Hate tracking wounded deer and try real hard not to with a bow.
I am still shooting 2-blad Rage. I think you either love em' or hate em'. I have the old style that seat on the rubber O ring, which is something I dont like as it is easy to bump a blade loose. However I havent shot a deer in the boiler room and had it ever go more than 125 yards. Most of them have dropped within sight.
I love 'em. Shooting the Rage Hypodermic 100 grain on the compound and the 125 grain on the crossbow.
I used to shoot thunderheads back in the day with alum arrows. Switched to slick tricks and carbon arrows with the new bow. No doubt the mechanicals do more damage if they function properly on a broadside shot. Like others have said I'm just not comfortable introducing another variable. I'm also suspicious of their performance on quartering shots

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I have used scorpion xt 100 grains for years and years. Bought the replacement blades (10 packs when they went on clearance for like $3) Used them on Elk, Deer, Mule deer and Rocky mt sheep. I do shoot a fixed blade at times too (shots the same as my mechanicals). I
There are lots of places you can hit a deer that won't kill it fast or at all.I shot a slick trick mag quartering away 10 inches behind the shoulder.I hit 2 inches above belly line.I was 24 yards away and must have held dead on 20.I was 12 feet up and aimed so arrow would come out by off leg.Pics look like I may have clipped front of leg on exit.He ran 40 yards and stop and stood there for 5 minutes then walked 10 yards and laid down,he was in brush and no shot.I also figured liver and had snow on ground so was not worried at all.After a few minutes he got up and walked off in trees.I snuck out after dark and buddy and I came back next day at daylight.He bedded 4 times then lost blood and he went on neighbors.I got permission and we walked their 80 acres for 6 hours until snow melted with very little blood.Only blood was around track so must have been from cut on leg.Two days later he shows back up and I still get pics of him almost every day.This was Nov 28th.He shed 1 side 2nd week of Dec and other side the next week.Last pic I had of him was Jan 2nd.Here is a pic after I hit him several days later


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I have probably shot 60 plus percent of all model out there including those made in the 80s forward. I am OCD x 10 regarding broad-heads. Nearly all of them will work, but only a very few stand out as to accuracy, durability and sharpness. For me Slick Trick has been my go to for at least 5 years and since first testing them. Have taken animals from elk to deer including a mule deer yesterday. For deer I go with the Assailant hybrid mechanical - truly in its own class. For elk, moose, bear anything large I go with the four blade standard, magnum or grizz trick.

Again lots of good ones out there this is the path I take.

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Yup, started out with Thunderheads almost 40 years ago. Bows changed big time along with arrows.

I currently hunt with 3 Hypodermic +P, and 1 Montec in the quiver. Which one I nock depends on the set up. Generally, evening hunts in open areas I'll have a Hypo ready. AM rut hunt in the brush I'll have the Montec nocked....shooting 70 lbs, 28.75 DL.
ive worked in the archery industry for 30 years in both retail and as a factory rep, the best whitetail broadhead in my opinion in those 30 years as far as performance , shortest recoveries, most impressive blood traills and quickest death is a G5 megameat. "The what broadhead is best" argument will never get settled and is hashed over daily throughout the bowhunting world but if you want a quick kill with easy to follow blood trails, and the largest margin of error . You want a head that has rearward opening blades that makes a big hole that has sharp blades.
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I like COC heads, started with Bear razorheads, then switched to Wasp cam locks or Thunder heads a co worker gave me a pack of G5s and I liked them. When Iwent back to hunting with a stick bow I went back to the razorheads or a grizzly SB. When I use a crossbow I use either a Rage or Swacker. It’s all about how the broadhead flys not who made it