Broadcasting Urea on corn after planting?


5 year old buck +
Ok to broadcast urea over top of corn few weeks after planting? Some was tilled in before planting when making adjustment to soil after soil test came back, but soil test doesn’t measure nitrogen or mine didn’t through the county ag office. Worries about burning damage to the corn. Anyone have good experiences with doing this & are your results? Thinking might be ok as long as it rains, but worries about the rain not showing and corn getting to y’all to drive tractor over if waiting on weather. I’ll follow any pointers y’all are willing to give. Thanks
If it doesn’t rain the N will likely evaporate anyway. I’d wait for rain in the forecast. You’re going to squish some corn no matter what :)

I’ve never broadcast over corn but I do it all the time with turnips with no damage. Don’t know why N wasn’t on the soil test???
It's ok to broadcast urea over corn. I want to say, here we go again with the urea evaporation. Yes, some will, IF it's extremely hot, humid, and the soil is damp. If you can time it so you are finished spreading as soon as the rain starts, good. But, we rarely get that golden opportunity. So, far as damage to the corn? The worst I've heard is the urea getting into the whirl. If you wait that long you've wanted too long anyhow. Urea is NOT the devil we want to make it.
If it doesn’t rain the N will likely evaporate anyway. I’d wait for rain in the forecast. You’re going to squish some corn no matter what :)

I’ve never broadcast over corn but I do it all the time with turnips with no damage. Don’t know why N wasn’t on the soil test???

The only N level I've ever seen on a soil test result is the recommended application of N for the crop to be planted. It isn't measured in the soil like other nutrients.
Ok to broadcast urea over top of corn few weeks after planting? Some was tilled in before planting when making adjustment to soil after soil test came back, but soil test doesn’t measure nitrogen or mine didn’t through the county ag office. Worries about burning damage to the corn. Anyone have good experiences with doing this & are your results? Thinking might be ok as long as it rains, but worries about the rain not showing and corn getting to y’all to drive tractor over if waiting on weather. I’ll follow any pointers y’all are willing to give. Thanks

If the leaves were wet with dew or maybe just after a rain when you applied the Urea, you might see a little burning of the leaves if it didn't rain after application but otherwise it won't hurt the corn at all.

Agree with Farmer Dan that the evaporation of Urea into the atmosphere is greatly exaggerated. Sure, some of it may evaporate given the conditions Dan stated, but it isn't going to happen overnight and it is much less than what some would lead us to believe. Yes, you should try to broadcast it just prior to a rain event but it isn't going to be the end of the world if the weather man was wrong again. It will rain again eventually.

I have top-dressed corn with Urea on every corn crop I've ever planted - even when it was pretty tall, and I've never had anything but positive results.
It's really of no help to you, and I didn't know they did this, but when the farmer drilled ours in, he had a planter that added urea onto the rows as he planted. That was kinda slick.

Got some rain within 24 hours too. That's what I like to see
It's really of no help to you, and I didn't know they did this, but when the farmer drilled ours in, he had a planter that added urea onto the rows as he planted. That was kinda slick.

Got some rain within 24 hours too. That's what I like to see

I long for the days of planter-box side-banded fertilizer!
I long for the days of planter-box side-banded fertilizer!

You're wireless mouse was probably worth more than his whole rig, but it got the job done.