Bonus food plots!


5 year old buck +
So we have A LOT of acreage this year that unfortunately didn’t get planted due to an extremely wet spring. The up-side is I talked to the farmer about putting in some Rye/Oat plots around my tree stands and he was all for it. I broadcasted and dragged on September 6 and we had 3” of rain and HOT ever since. Looks like they are gonna be good!!! You can see the areas with about 4” of growth right now...
I’ve got stands in the big cottonwood above and one of the boxelders in the other. Excited to to see how they attract!
I have that,.. farmers let me food plot their land.

Most lucky I am !
It will be the only thing green by end of October---just in time for gun season. Oats won't amount to much due to frost but the rye will do great and be there for you in the spring.
Ask the farmer if you can lease a little section of his field under/near your stand for a food plot. Offer like 50/100 bucks for the year.

Odds are if they are like my farmers they will say just have at it,.. no charge.

That's how I got access to a chunk of a hay field I am in process of developing a section of for next year.

As per suggestions here from folks I plan on walling off a small part he gave me so the deer may feel more comfy coming out into it in the daylight. It is on the edge of a vast hayfield.

PS I put cams on that field with the field scan option,.. sure enough no deer seen in daylight there. So they guys on this forum pegged it correctly,.. least in my case.
Im not interested in leasing anything and the owner already leases it to a farmer. My plot would just screw up his row cropping. I have acres of plots already around this field but since it didnt get planted this year it was fun to put some grains down under the stands! Its really getting green now and the deer are starting to use it. I suppose in the future I could still broadcast rye in his beans or corn around the stands... wouldnt grow quite as good but cheap and easy anyway for what you may get....