

5 year old buck +
My one property has a predator problem... way too many coyotes, but I got a picture of a decent bobcat. My habitat is supporting a healthy population of rabbits. Hopefully I can change that to deer.

Cats...probably bad but I kinda like them :)
I'm not a fan of coyotes, but bobcats are a welcome sight for me. Personally, I think that if I have both coyotes and bobcats on the property, I probably have enough deer too. Three out of four of us shot decent bucks opening day, so their presence does not spell disaster.
Got a pic yesterday of mom and two kittens.
Second kitten is hard to see circled next to the log.

I have found that when I have alot of coyotes I have few bobcats,But then again I have seen coyotes killing house cats
We have a good number of bobcats, and they don't hurt our deer here. We have enough mice, voles, shrews, squirrels, etc. to keep them well fed. If they were to face off - bobcat & coyote - my $$$ is on the cat!!! I like seeing the cats - but not the yotes.
A guy at our camp watched a bobcat back down 2 coyotes while on stand this year. The coyotes approached the bobcat which could have easily climbed a tree. Instead, it put it's back to a tree and faced the 2 coyotes almost nose to nose, and when it sounded a low growl/hissing noise, the coyotes just backed off and went on their way. Ya see all sorts of stuff from a tree stand.