Bluff County Land For Sale


5 year old buck +
I used to have a lease real close to this spot and have hunted adjacent to this property on some open MFL ground. It does have 40 open MFL that borders it to the East and there are good deer on it. I know the landowner to the south and it receives very little bow hunting pressure (1 guy hunts a few weekends on 200 acres). Once in awhile someone will hunt the MFL stuff.
Wow crazy price!!
That's pretty normal for around there.
Wow crazy price!!
That's pretty normal for around there.
Shawn is correct, especially for smaller parcels like the one posted. One can find plenty of 80's in the $3,000 to $3,500 per acre range. Here is a fantastic looking 80 acre parcel for right at $2,800 an acre. I hunt and trout fish on public ground near this property and there are tons of deer and turkey everywhere around this area and the guys in this area pass young bucks. The only drawback I see is it looks like deeded access, no road frontage.

Edit: The place marked on the zoomable map is not even close to the actual property. The actual property is northwest of Bud and just SE of Newton.
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I can sure see why those SW counties command a premium price
I used to have a lease real close to this spot and have hunted adjacent to this property on some open MFL ground. It does have 40 open MFL that borders it to the East and there are good deer on it. I know the landowner to the south and it receives very little bow hunting pressure (1 guy hunts a few weekends on 200 acres). Once in awhile someone will hunt the MFL stuff.
Rest assured this property is not worth the money. I look at land regularly in west central WI and my opinion is this isn't worth it. Drive 1.5 hours south and get quality hunting for a fraction of the price. Ridiculous.
^^^I'd call Buffalo County western WI. Its a good drive to Grant/Lafayette/Crawford/etc. counties(SW WI) from Buffalo County

True, that whole area is good. I used to live in Lake City MN

Cross the river and fields had more deer and more horns!!

Although I saw some beasts while hunting around Lake City and Frontenac!
Most land used just for hunting is overpriced, it's just a matter of how much. The price is more than I would ever pay for the way it's set up but someone will and probably will shoot some really nice deer off it.
The guys that continue to buy it don't think so.
I think strictly hunting land has dropped in price by me. I could buy 80 acres of solely hunting land in waupaca county for $2000/acre right now. I'm gonna see what it looks like in spring and offer $1500, I think it will be 50/50 on my price.
Now build able land is up to $10,000 in the same area, for smaller parcels
The guys that continue to buy it don't think so.

A person has to spend their pennies on something right?
A person has to spend their pennies on something right?

At those prices they are spending quarters :D!
I've seen that nontypical in the pics used on other listings before. He's a giant.

A 20 acre parcel just down the road from our 206 acres in Buffalo is pending, asking price was 129,900. Not sure what they got, but guys are willing to pay a big premium on a small piece to get into some good ground.
The right parcel in a certain neighborhood may sell for twice the going rate for that county.

In Iowa there are guys paying very top dollar to get in a managed area, with outdoor channel guys as neighbors
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The 20 acre parcel looks much better. Centered in good ridge top good for hunting. The 26 acre parcel stuck with big valley non stop swirling winds be tuff to hunt .

That parcel is pending so it's too late for anyone interested in that. The one I posted does have it's drawbacks but access up the steep ravine that can hide your movements and the winds up top don't swirl much. If you narrow it down you have probably 5-7 good acres to hunt and that is a good chunk of change to pay for it, still you'll kill some bucks there and is why I posted it for anyone that might be looking (I have no interest in it either way).