Blind dealer discount?


5 year old buck +
Anyone ever looked into becoming a deer blind dealer for one of the many companies selling hard shell deer blinds? I'm curious what the discount is and the minimum purchase.
I think a trailer load would let you be a dealer in areas not served by others (or if you can be a better dealer than the one they got). Buying lesser quantities is going to run the freight cost up.....and cut into margins if doing anything less. I would think there should be 25% margins......but I have no first hand knowledge. Often the best margins come from buying 1. Quantity 2. Pre -season orders 3. Buying accessories 4 Payment terms and more.

Thus the discounts may be 20% less 5% less 5% less 3% or some such scheme by purchasing the way that allows the factory to make some bucks too.....and even-out their production.

My 2 cents.

I think one of the biggest things to overcome is the freight costs on big hollow boxes.
Red Neck blinds is down the road from me I could inquire about a group buy if you guys are interested. I don’t have any real desire for one myself but I’ve got a 25’ gooseneck trailer and forklifts at the house.
I think the local "distributor" figured out how to get 7 or 8 Redneck blinds on a 42 foot putting some padding between the blinds. One more than typical. Thus he was able to cut his freight cost by about 10% or more per blind (you do the math). A 25' gooseneck trailer would haul no more than 4 or possibly 5 ?? blinds on a load. Then the question becomes how far are you going to haul them? ....and your cost per mile??

A good modular or knocked down blind system would go a long way toward getting a reduced price. Come up with a way to get 50 or more quality blinds on a trailer load.....and the world is your oyster. .....If I were a younger man......grin......
So. I have a Sutherland’s close to home. They run promotions where they give 20% off everything you put on your Sutherlands credit card (including Redneck blinds). I have bought a couple this way. Put it on the card and pay the card off as soon as it shows on the balance. Instant 20% off and it’s miles from the house. Just a thought.

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I hunt with woodworkers... I get my scent tight wooden smartboard blinds for cheaper than you do... :D

And they help me assemble them on site