Birdsfoot trefoil for dry ground?


5 year old buck +
I always read that birdsfoot trefoil was for wet ground, but lately I'm seeing it all over the place on really dry soils. Is it drought tolerant? I have some dry low-quality soils that I'm struggling with. My durana plot got overtaken by weeds, so I will need a new blend for next year. Would it be a good idea to add a pound of trefoil to the mix?
In the drought years, it grew on my driveway. I’d say it’s pretty tough. It’s weird though, I planted it three years ago, and this year is the first year it’s really shown up where I put it, so it may do well in drought alone, but might need rain to compete in a blend?

When it was dry, my perennial plots pulled thru and stayed green the whole way. The BFTF punched ahead when it started raining.

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You notice any deer eating it?
You notice any deer eating it?
Not yet. But deer don't use plots in the summer up by me. They'll come in and nibble, but they don't really get on them until late september. Chicory is the one exception. So i won't be able to see if they use it until after this season when I can get in and inspect it.
I do not believe that BFT is a preferred deer forage. They will probably eat it if nothing else is available but I gotta believe there are better options. What about Aberlasting clover? Its supposed to be more drought tolerant than other clovers. Medium red clover does ok in dry conditions. If your just looking for ground cover or for erosion control BFT might work but its slow to establish and deer do not go out of their way to eat the stuff.