Big Bob Tail Kitty

Native Hunter

5 year old buck +
With all the fawns around, I hated getting this pic. Hadn't had one since last winter.

I have them on my place. They work on the rabbits hard in the thickets .
I have them on my place. They work on the rabbits hard in the thickets .

They just seem to come and go here. Yotes will be around most all the time but the cats could show up or leave anytime. We have a good supply of rabbits.
I'm sure they're in my area, but I've never seen one or got any pictures.
Looks like a female. Long and skinny.

That means she has mouths to feed:(

I don't mind them though, there never seems to be to many. Unlike the Yotes that seem to never end.
Same with my place. I don't think there has ever been more than one or two cats around. If we didn't whack the yotes in the spring time I hate to think what it would look like here.
We have some bobcats around our camp in northern Pa. They seem to mainly hammer the mice and voles. Can't thank 'em enough for that - we have tons of mice & voles. I've seen plenty of evidence on snow of the cats pouncing on mice. Less mice & voles - less chewing bark of mast trees. Coyotes are the main worry for deer here.
I'll take a bob over a yote any day.
I'll take a bob over a yote any day.
Same with me! So far the yotes are not bad at my place. I have not seen but one or two in thirty years of hunting it.
I do get one or two on cam a year on the 4 game cameras I have out.

Hopefully it stays that way!

My old lease had lots of yotes.