2nd on the osmocote. IT is a bit expensive for fertilizer, but worth it. I am getting ready to pot grafts here. Atleast the pots n soil part while I wait.
I use a shallow handful in each pot. Probably like a tablespoon. Glad grizz mentioned it, I am out of it.
3 gllon growpots and most rootstocks you get, I would do one year only. Great part about grow pots, plant anytime. Done 4th of july, mid august, september, october, november, even december once. Had to work the shovel because there was a layer of frost already in the soil. The get the whole dormant season to build a little bit of roots, and they get every bit of springs rains n gentle growth.
IF you must do 2 years, I'd plant some in 5 gallons ones, then move up a pot size from 3 to 5 in the fall before winter freeze. Then, you got to deal with freeze protection of the pots. Burry them in mulch, hill them in soil, etc. Much easier just ot be done with it one season. Apples from seed, yeah I do 2 years there.